Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Stains of Impurity

There is a darkness that covers this land
there is a sadness that covers the hearts
of those who understand

standing on the hillside looking out
seeing the corruption of what was
seeing the corruption that is

the stains of impurity

changes in natural order
a new normal

darkness hiding the light
once hiding the sin, now brought to the light

stains of impurity

standing on the hillside, looking out
with a tear that begins the flood
from the heart that understands
seeking, asking
 how to heal the land

the stains of impurity

seek humility of the heart

forgive us Lord, for we have grown vain
You have blessed us greatly
yet we have fallen away
thinking we have done something special
we have created this, founded this
when it was a gift given in love
yet we came, and we destroyed

the stains of impurity

from bended knee
we must seek You, realizing our part
in what is, and what will come
from bended knee, we must call out to You
understanding our failings
forgive us Lord, Your children
for we have turned away form You
sought and followed the idols we have created

the stains of impurity

with broken hearts, broken from self
tossing away the demons of pride
turning away from indulgences of the world
seeking Your face, seeking forgiveness for what we have done
things allowed by our silence

with a humbled heart, a grateful heart
we reach out to You
knowing Your great love
heal this we have damaged
heal this we have soiled

the stains of impurity
washed and cleansed
by the blood
The Blood of the Lamb.

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