Friday, September 7, 2018

Celebrating you and all that you were.

 You've been gone a year and a half, that feels like yesterday and yet it feels like forever since you left.  The other day I was scrolling across social media and saw a meme that said something to the effect of did you ever think of how if one person had not come along, how different you would be. I didn't really pay it much attention at that moment, it was the next day that realization dawned. How, over the course of the thirty-five years that we were a part of each other, how I have changed.
When I met you, I had just returned from Louisiana and a bad relationship. The moment we saw each other, something sparked. Having just escaped bad, I was worried yet, I was young and still a bit fearless. We quickly went from meeting, to living together to married. For just a few weeks over thirty-two years we were man and wife. What a life we had.
We both went from having nothing, to having a home, some property, a son, and memories precious and dear. I went from not working, to full time employment. the job I have now, I just celebrated my twenty-eight year anniversary. I won't get financially rich there, but I'm more than wealthy in friends, experience,  and knowledge. No other job I've held has lasted anywhere near this long.
 You were not sure of why I felt driven to write, but you cheered me on with the books that I self published. My photography obsession you supported and encouraged, even buying me a camera and some accessories along the way. You knew that I loved to paint, and create personalized clothing. You even wore a piece or two.
 I am, who I am, because you were the person you were.
You taught me bravery, because when you couldn't find a job after the bakery closed, you did what you had to do and learned an entirely new lifestyle. You went from having barely gone anywhere, to criss crossing this country multiple times. You not only thought out of the box, you were out. You not only left your comfort zone, you left the entire region of that zone. You would call from time to time needing assistance on finding a place since you didn't have any internet access, but you showed me true courage.
 You taught me patience. waiting for you to come home, waiting for you to decide what you wanted to wear to church or where we were going to eat. all of those times when you were deliberately being annoying to test me.
 You taught me better responsibility. when you went over the road, I had to take over everything here. I learned how to better balance the check book, how to make sure that bills were paid and things we needed ordered. How to have all we needed at any given time. I learned how to do minor repairs or rig the things I couldn't fix alone until you got home.
 You taught me ways to have fun. We went on so many vacations. We laughed, we played, we searched for souvenirs, we wore ourselves out and were always ready to get back home. We did things around here that were as mini vacations, down to the local park, festivals, movies. any time we were together.
You taught me contentment. We could sit on the porch and just enjoy each other's company. We could soak in the love and smile, knowing, that what we had was special.
A year and a half, a long time, but also just a blip on the radar of life. How special you were, how special you are, how special you made our life.
I miss you, but I know you're happy now. Still yet, I celebrate all that you were, and all that you taught me.

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