You are Lord
my heart sings
You are Lord
with upraised hands
eyes looking only to You
I sing
You are Lord
I know, that You are with me
I know, that You guide me
I lift my eyes to You
my heart sings
songs of joy
songs of peace
to You Lord to You
You are King
I am Yours
my heart, my all, Yours
understanding Your mercy
filled with Your love
humbled by Your grace
knowing from where I have come
lost and afraid
lost and ashamed
You cleansed me of all stain
You are King
You are Lord
You are Savior
I know, Your peace
during all storms
You are with me
You are my Rock
You are my strength
You are Savior
my heart sings
hallelujah, hosanna
You are Lord
You are Light
in the darkness
sanctuary in the storm
You are Lord
my heart sings
You are Lord
with upraised hands
eyes looking only to You
I sing
You are Lord
Your love fills me
heals me
You are Lord
I am assured
I am secure
in You
I am assured
of eternity in You
with You
You are Lord
my heart sings
Blessed, a collection of God given inspirational poetry by Rebecca Stepp Revels is available now @
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The Legend of Dragon's Doom:a Young Warrior's vow, by RS Revels is available @
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also @ Bookin' It, your mobile bookstore @
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Blessed in His Promises
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