Monday, January 3, 2011

A New Day


Morning's light, a slow dawn reaching out

pushing away the night

a new day arriving

long ago, in the quiet of the night

a star shines down

the quiet broken, by a baby's cry

a new day, arrives

Once, I walked in the darkness

my heart and soul weary

fearful of the things that lay hidden in the dark

drawn with an earthly desire

to those same things

aching inside, thinking, there was something better

but not knowing what it was

hearing a voice calling, but turning away

out of lack of understanding

as the darkness, grew deeper

and I fell farther into the pit

despair and futility were my companions

silent tears fell as the sobs remained caught in my throat

unable to escape, unable to make a sound

I walked in the darkness, alone

the laughter of evil echoed around me

as I sought escape

hearing again the voice, calling to me

a faint light before me

turning, for the first time I answered

and the light grew

following it, I made my way from the darkness

following it, I found the Light

the Way

hope filled the places once filled with despair

laughter replaces the sadness

as joy a remarkable joy filled the empty places of my heart

You called to me, offering what I had not found before

cleansing love, a new hope

You offered forgiveness and a beginning anew

You sought me out, called me from the darkness

brought me out into Your light

now and forever, I am not alone

now and forever, I walk in Your light, with You

You are Lord, You are Savior

I know, Your love, Your peace

that is my desire, my walk

You brought me from the darkness

I no longer fear, for You are with me


Blessed, a collection of God given inspirational poetry by Rebecca Stepp Revels is available now @

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Amazon, Books-a-Million and Barnes and Noble .com

The Legend of Dragon's Doom:a Young Warrior's vow, by RS Revels is available @

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also @ Bookin' It, your mobile bookstore @

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Blessed in His Promises

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