Friday, May 17, 2024

Lessons Learned


What a day this may be. Each moment seemingly a test. Will I remain patient? Will I hold my tongue when I want to speak out so badly? Will I act in mercy and react with compassion? Will I pass each test? Each day brings its own challenges and tests. From the moment we awaken until and at times after we close our eyes for the night.
 I am a forever student. I am learning how to face the challenges on a moment by moment, lesson by test, basis. I am learning that it is a matter of attitude and determination. I am learning that once I pass the one test, another one that is harder will come along.
 I am mastering the patience in shopping. Smiling and remaining calm when the line at check out doesn't go as quickly or smoothly as one would prefer. I'm still learning though how to handle the frustrations of being on the road with drivers who are less than one would hope. We recently had a bad storm system pass through that caused massive power outages which obviously included traffic signals. It was obvious that many people either did not know or ignored the rules of how to handle such an intersection. It becomes an all way stop, taking your turn to pass through when it comes around. Trees were also down and by the time I was out on the road, most ways had one lane open for passage. All this was done on some form of honor system which many did not honor and which caused remaining patient and calm nearly impossible. I will admit to getting a low grade on that test.Sadly, it is not only in the aftermath of storms that bad driving happens. It happens when drivers decide to ignore stop signs or stop lights. It happens when one realizes they are about to miss their turn and anyone in the lanes they must cross need watch out and move for them. Speed limits to them are nothing but suggestions. Distracted driving, driving under the influence nothing new for them. It is the rest of us who must be ever vigilant.
 Some folks who seem to think the best way to acquire things is by stealing. They do not care how difficult they are making life for the rest of the population. They do not consider how difficult their life could become when caught, though I do realize that shoplifting is low on the list of crimes needing to be handled at any given moment. Still, because of them many retail businesses stand at the door needing to check receipts for items not bagged. I have no problem with this and usually have my receipt at the ready. I have however read and heard the comments of those unhappy with the process.
 Now, before anyone reaches the incorrect conclusion that I am fine with indoctrination, I am not.
 What I am, is one who seeks to better my mental health through learning patience in trying times. In learning compassion when I see another hurting. In learning to encourage those who are struggling. In learning that positive thoughts and actions overcome the bad and give strength to make it through the difficult.
 One important thing to remember, is that the lessons are ongoing. Life is a classroom that only ends once we graduate from this life to the next. But with each test we pass, we become all the better for the lessons learned.

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