Sunday, May 26, 2024

Reflect and Remember


Good morning all-
My thoughts of sleeping in were just that- thoughts. My dog, Bella decided that it was time to get up and let me know in no uncertain terms. After taking care of the cats and dogs that share our life, I find myself  sitting  here sipping coffee and scrolling through posts and web surfing as I awaken to this new day. Outside the day is bright, well on the way to being overly warm, and the birds are singing their morning symphony. I've already spoken with my mother once, we're wondering when my brother will be home from his latest grand adventure. Soon I will be needing to go out for Aloe due to a sunburn from sitting at the race track yesterday. My son will be leaving out at some point to return to the track in Charlotte for the running of the Coca Cola 600.

What about you? Do you have plans for today or could you possibly be in the midst of those plans as you sit on the beach or in a mountainside cabin? Are you visiting with or waiting for visitors to come to you?
While we plan our day, preparing all we need, the cleaning the cooking the waiting by the door..may we also take time for one more thing.
Remembering and respecting.
The things for which this day is truly meant. Not for parties, holidays, vacations. Not for races, cook outs, boating on the lake. It is a day set aside to remember and honor those who gave the ultimate gift.
We all have our own thoughts and opinions on war. War is death, it is ugly, it is destructive, it is painful. It does not matter the length of the battle measured in days, months, years. It is the number of lives lost. A member of the military serving who is killed in action has  family. Whether it is parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents to their own personal families including spouse and children of their own. Then there is the extended family of the one left. The loss injures the heart and life and leaves a vacancy. Lives which may have brought about amazing things, ended too quickly. Yet even in their pain and anger, there is a pride in the fact that the one who is lost, was lost doing what they believed in. They were sent into battle so that battle would not overflow to here. That the home and people they loved, would be protected. They fought and died to protect the freedoms that we have had for so very long.
Even if you do not believe in war.......even if you believe there has to be better respect and honor to those who fought for what we have. Respect and honor those who sacrificed it all for their beliefs and their country. Respect and honor the families who watched their loved one walk away, then watched them being brought back in a box.
Stop for a moment today, in the midst of your parties and plans, and reflect on the true meaning of today. We personally can be happy and enjoy the freedoms we hold dear, because without those we lost, we could be living a totally different lifestyle today. My brother recently was able to repair my flagpole that was broken by a falling tree. I now once again can fly our flag in love of country and respect for those who fight to protect her.

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