Monday, May 27, 2024

The Ordinary Has Been Brought to You By...


I've been wanting a fire pit out in my back yard. A couple years ago I bought a small one but time, weather and cats have made it unusable. With my finances being limited I couldn't just run out and purchase a replacement. Even as I still wanted that fire pit. I watched the sales for bricks, but something more important always came up preventing purchase. The fire pit was a want, not a need.
 Yesterday while trying to figure out how to spend my afternoon since my son was off on an adventure as was most other people I know, I had an idea. I began gathering bricks that we purchased twenty some years ago and had used for various projects. Collecting enough I built a medium size fire pit in the yard away from the house and any trees. I then went and moved a table, umbrella and chairs back around to the back yard from where I had moved them a couple years ago. I haven't had time to go out there anyway so moving them to where they have a better chance at being used seemed to make sense. The outside cats have found these things interesting as they have been investigating them since I set them up.
 I also went up to where I have my vegetable plants growing in pots and using a small screwdriver poked holes in them to allow excess water to drain out. I need to find a way for the cucumber vines to climb rather than simply run across the ground with the Wisteria vines.
 For now though, I am sitting here listening to the birds calling from somewhere deep in the woods out back and watching the hummingbirds as they visit the feeders just outside my windows. My son who didn't return from his adventure until late, or rather early this morning, I have not seen yet. I may have missed him if he had to work, but I'm not sure, and I'm not going to call and maybe disturb him either way. My brother and his wife have been off on a grand adventure and were supposed to return last night. Hopefully we will see them today. Normal stuff right? Quiet, peaceful, time for introspection and reflection.
Today is Memorial Day here in the US. May we always remember that there are those who paid the ultimate price, made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy the normal stuff. Never forget that the ordinary has been brought to you by those who died.Pay a price so you won't have to, that you can live free.

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