Saturday, May 25, 2024

Quite the Light Show


I sat up last night and watched the truck race going on over in Charlotte on television. I had tried to watch an old movie but it was heavily censored taking the cutting edge off. I may be wrong, but seems that when we go so far out of our way to not offend, we create an ease of being offended at any and everything. But that's a topic for another day.
Watching the race there was one driver who had a lot going for him. He had the talent and a fast truck. Toward the latter part of the race that desire to win overshadowed caution and in his rush to leave his pit box nearly injured a tire changer. In the end, he did not win but not from lack of trying.
After the race I did my reading, enjoyed a cup of hot tea and prepared to call it a night. I sent a text to my son to be careful on his ride home. He had ridden his motorcycle and race traffic are not known to be the most patient when leaving the track. I was nearing sleep when the headlight from his bike coming down the road, danced through the window and across the wall of my bedroom. He was home, he was safe and he was glad I had prepared something for supper.
After he left for his camper, I returned to bed. At some point in the early hours I was awakened by distant thunder. I've been leaving the curtains open to allow the ceiling fan to draw in the cooler night air. This allowed the approaching storm to illuminate the room. It was quite the light show once it arrived. I waited for our dog Molly to become afraid while Bella ignored everything. The sounds and pyrotechnics had been going on for a while when my phone decided to alert me of a 'thunderstorm warning in my area'. Thanks phone. I did get up and check once to make sure the drain that runs under the house was clear then returned to bed. With the windows open I could hear the strength of the falling rain and it never got hard enough to cause concern over the drain becoming clogged. The show though, was strong. The moment the thunder was strong enough to shake the house was what got Molly causing her to let me know of her fear. I allowed her into the bathroom to wait it out. The room is small with no windows. There is also an exhaust fan to cover the sounds from outside.
The storm was in no hurry to move on. I found that I was not afraid, not concerned, not worried over what was happening outside. I remained there in a dark room, resting in bed, watching the show outside. The lightening that turned the dark into day. The thunder that rumbled loud enough to be felt as well as heard. When the phone alerted me a second time about the severe thunder storm in the area I simply muttered no kidding. I eventually dozed off and awoke later to quiet. Waiting to make sure it was safe to do so, I finally got up and let Molly return to her usual sleeping space.

I have yet to see if the storm caused damage anywhere. I would not be surprised to find that it did as from sound alone it was mean and strong. I will need to walk up soon and check my makeshift garden. My pot garden, being that everything is planted in flower pots. Some of which I need to make drain holes.

Last night a group of truck drivers set out to win a race. In the process there were mistakes made, it happens when you get in a hurry. When you get in too much of a hurry to be safe and make sure all is where they need to be when they need to be there. Even and especially if that place is out of the way. One driver tried to overcome mistakes but still came out second. Thing is, his positioning could have been much worse. In the challenge, he overcome and over took a lot of other drivers.
We can do that. When facing a test, a challenge our own race of sorts, even when we fumble and stumble, we can be determined and keep going. We can fight the good fight not allowing mistakes to cause us to quit. We may not come out first, or even in the top ten, but we didn't quit. In that, we proved that we are capable of finishing what we start.

Last night mother nature put on quite the show. One impossible to ignore. In the past, I would have been up pacing the floor. I would have checked outside multiple times during the rain. In the past Molly would have panicked at the first distant sound of thunder. We both did well last night. Molly had the faith that I would protect her by allowing her into that safe space. I had faith that God would protect us through the storm.
This morning, I am enjoying my coffee. My son has gone into work leaving me to the peace of the morning. While I have not been outside any further than to feed the cats, all seems okay. We were given quite the light show, but we were kept safe and I am grateful.

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