Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Safety Net of People


My parents have some age on them. Because of that, they do need help with some things from time to time. I was laid off from my job just short of my thirty year anniversary with the company just over four years ago. This was at the beginning of what my son calls the dark time, but others know as Covid. I chose to take early retirement and be here for them. I live right next door so it seemed right. While I am the main caregiver, I am by far not the only one. Everyone else has full time jobs, but there are here ready and willing to help when they are able.
Like this morning.
My nephew was preparing to leave for work, at just before six in the morning, when he noticed a strange truck parked in front of my dad's large storage building. A truck no one had ever seen before. He called me, then the police. I was up and dressed in record time. My parents were not up yet, and their house was secure. The building the truck was left at was secure. Turns out the truck had been borrowed without the owner's consent from a neighboring county. Why they chose to dump it where they did we have no real idea. A lot of guesses but only that, guesses. The police contacted the owner then had the truck towed to where ever they have vehicles towed. One of the officers who was out we've spoken with before. One had been down the road in the past when a former neighbor lived here. Their supervisor was also out, very nice individual, but I wouldn't want to make her angry. She has the appearance of one who could definitely hold her own and then some.
 Thing is, my nephew noticed something out of place. He called me first to let me know. My folks were fine so other than the police no one else needed to be called in, but they would have come. Quickly. I was mildly surprised at how quickly the police arrived, but as mentioned one had been out before and knew my parents to be well into the senior citizen status. We live out in the county, far away from the amenities that city folk have access to more easily. It is important for my parents that there is someone within reach should a need arise. They know, they have a safety net of people around them. Me and my son who live next door, my brother and his family across town but only a phone call way, my niece and her family across the road from them and my sister in law just down the way. Neighbors also help keep a look out, though not as often as some have moved away.
 I do realize that we are blessed in our situation. Not many families live as close to each other as we do. Not all have the good relationship that we do as an extended family. Because of the love shown and the way we were brought up, we are close. We are each other's safety net and are here for each other when needed. I think that if more could have such a life then society as a whole would be better. If we only showed others  respect and love, things would be different. If only, we chose to accept differences among us, and not allow those differences to divide us. For now though, my family is and has a safety net around us, and for that I am grateful.

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