morning, another cup of coffee, another few moments
of peace. Sitting here, feeling the cool morning breeze coming through
the windows and knowing it won't last long. I'm enjoying hearing the
songs of the birds from their various locations around the woods. I've
spoken briefly with mom and know that she and dad both had a good night.
I love this time of day before everything gets busy and there
is time for preparation. A chance to get the mind, body and spirit
ready for what's to come. A time to determine that today, I will walk in
peace. I will walk in joy. I will walk with an open eye, a willing
heart and a ready hand to reach out to others.
We each are all facing our own set of worries, our own storms..often letting them eat
at us, worry us, create in us a sense of doom, which allows them to
us. Too many times when we hold that sense of doom, it does not leave
room for our power and ability to overcome. Many tend to give in to our
storms and allow them to win.
walk in the determination of success, the attitude of gratitude for
what you have and seek peace in that all will be well. Maybe not
immediately. Maybe not in the way you wanted, but in the way it should.
Reach out to
others who suffering is worse, lift and encourage them and see how your
own day improves.
May you in all things be blessed.