Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Our Walk Matters


Another morning, another cup of coffee, another few moments of peace. Sitting here, feeling the cool morning breeze coming through the windows and knowing it won't last long. I'm enjoying hearing the songs of the birds from their various locations around the woods. I've spoken briefly with mom and know that she and dad both had a good night.
 I love this time of day before everything gets busy and there is time for preparation. A chance to get the mind, body and spirit ready for what's to come. A time to determine that today, I will walk in peace. I will walk in joy. I will walk with an open eye, a willing heart and a ready hand to reach out to others.
We each are all facing our own set of worries, our own storms..often letting them eat at us, worry us, create in us a sense of doom, which allows them to defeat us. Too many times when we hold that sense of doom, it does not leave room for our power and ability to overcome. Many tend to give in to our storms and allow them to win.

 Instead, walk in the determination of success, the attitude of gratitude for what you have and seek peace in that all will be well. Maybe not immediately. Maybe not in the way you wanted, but in the way it should. Reach out to others who suffering is worse, lift and encourage them and see how your own day improves.
May you in all things be blessed.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Memory Lane (Break on the Channel)


This is a memory from 2019. It has been slightly edited for clarity and grammar.
Over the course of the weekend I did the face book thing and changed my profile pic to one of me and my dad in honor of Father's Day. This morning I saw that someone had commented and upon checking saw that they had called me by my old citizen's band radio handle. I hadn't heard that name in 40 years and it really caught me off guard. I had no idea there was even anyone around that remembered that.
But it really set off a bout of nostalgia. I think that I was around 19 when I first got on the radio. You had to have call letters then. I had a base station and a mobile unit with a big ole whip antenna swinging on the back of my red Chevy nova.
What fun those days were. Hanging out with people, whether in their home, driveway, on a ball field having a killer softball game or at one of the many coffee breaks. I would even dance then, if that tells you how long its been since I've danced.
There was a wonderfully diverse group of people on the radio, and while there were the occasional arguments, for the most part we got along.
One night after a coffee break not far from here I was on my way home. I had a car fall in behind me and start to follow me. All I had to do was key the mike and let it be known. I had help in a minute. My car broke down on me one day down near the Belmont Abbey College. Someone heard my call for help and within a short time were there. They not only got my car running, but followed me home to make sure it didn't happen again.
My very first dealing with a truck driver was an Estes driver who seemed to turn up often.At that time I had no knowledge of dedicated runs or day cabs.  Every time the driver saw me he would holler at me on the radio and we spoke briefly. I never met him face to face, and like now, from time to time the memory would surface.
When I was living in Louisiana, I went to work for a custom cabinet shop. They used the radio to communicate with each other and a base in the shop. The manager's son told me, if you really know how to talk on the radio, lets see what you can do. There was a guy who lived close and was talking over everything therefore needed a lesson. okay fine. For the next few minutes I shot skip and barely took a breath. I only stopped when the bear drove by. But the guy learned.
I know that the drivers at the time would get annoyed because so many were choking up the channels. At that time, a time before cell phones, the radio was a much needed tool and to be honest, still is. I never talked on my husband's radio, I stayed away for many reasons. When he passed away, I gave the radio away to someone who needed it.
.Memory lane, an amazing place to visit..
So break on the channel...break break..
I'm going to back on out of here now, and put it 10-7 on the side, Y'all hammer down, but keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down, keep it between the ditches and get to your destination safe. Drivers, you are important, and we appreciate you..10-4.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Difficult Yes, Impossible No


Good morning all-
The sun is out, the birds are singing, I'm half way through a pot of coffee and my heart is at peace. It is summer in the south. Its just after nine in the morning here and already over eighty degrees Fahrenheit. The sun is bright and the day promises to be worthy of looking forward to what ever adventure awaits. But even in the good times, when the days seem to hold happiness within, there are memories of sadness and struggle. We each have faced moments that hold varying degrees of sadness, confusion, grief, even anger. It is up to us, to not allow those memories and moments to make life more difficult.
 My husband has been gone over seven years, my brother five, we have other family members who have been gone longer. Memories and the accompanying grief does creep up from time to time. I admit to still feeling a resentment over losing a long held job, though that emotion lessens with each passing day. Especially with the understanding that I was taken out of the job to be able to be here for my parents. There are moments of being weary. Tired of a responsibility that often seems overwhelming. Knowing though, that this responsibility is also a blessing. Caring for my parents a gift given to me and my family.
  Every night before I lie down to sleep, there is a long conversation in prayer. Because of this time, I am afforded a restful night. I have placed my cares at the foot of the cross and leave them there. Sometimes those conversations are longer than others. Sometimes, there is much more going on that my shoulders alone can bear.
The last few years have been a strange journey. When you are one with poor directional ability and are suddenly cast on a journey of discovery, it doesn't come easily. I am very thankful that as Believer and Follower, I have my God to guide me, shelter me from the worst of storms and protect me when needed. Yet, I am human with human weakness, so there are those times when it gets a bit much.
When you have been through much in your life, you have a deeper understanding of the pain of others. At times, that understanding, becomes difficult to bear. Prayer and a giving it to God is the only answer and solution- even though at times, that too is difficult.
At the service for a family member years ago, when it had moved to graveside, I saw my son. he was standing at the edge of the graveyard, he could not make himself walk down to where we were. He has not been able to set foot there since his dad was buried. He stood at a respectful distance and waited. I could feel his pain. Tomorrow is Father's Day, his dad and his half sister, will have to deal with their private pain. I can't even as I wish I could, take that away. It is their journey to travel.
Life is a journey. For some reason, even as I know people, with the exception of family who have their own lives, I am traveling mine alone. There is a reason, something I need learn, a growing I need to accomplish. I accept it for what it is, even as it is lonely at times. I will sit and view the photos and read what is shared by those who spend time with friends, who have their trips and meals, and I'll smile and be happy for them. I'll listen to the adventures of those who work, and smile. I will learn, how to walk alone in happiness. I will find the courage to get out and go. I will find the happiness that I know God has intended for me. I will be content in this journey, for it is mine, and it is not meant to be one of sadness.
Today is a new day. Today I will smile, I will stand tall, I will take care in my responsibilities, and I will find the reasons to smile. For I am a child of the King, and He loves me, this life, this journey my walk with and to Him.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Graduating to That Next Step


While scrolling through memories on social media, I found one about the graduation of a family member. Since graduations have happened recently I thought I would edit, update and offer it up once again in its new form.
One by one; each following the next, the graduating students made their way around the field to the seating set up for them. High School was almost completed. There was this one final, formal action to take.
The obligatory speeches were made and then the handing out of diplomas began. Each individual crossing the stage, accepting the diploma, shaking hands and returning to their seat. Almost as quickly it was complete. The class of the year stood, moved their tassels to the other side and the class now had graduated. The cheer went up, mortar boards were tossed skyward and it was done.
One stage of life complete............but what now? What does their future hold? They have made it this far, made friends, lost friends, learned much and gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding of many things. They have faced trials and challenges and came through all the stronger. There have been times of amazing fun and exciting events. Memories to hold onto for a lifetime. But what now?
What is their next step? Some will go on to college, continuing what was begun in high school. They will endure the challenges specific to college, long nights, boring lectures, temptations and study, study, study as they work toward their goal. Whether it is a community college, technical college or one offering advanced degrees with lots of letters that will follow their name. The fact is they are advancing and increasing their learning to another level.
For those not yet going or not going at all, there is work waiting. Whether it is the job of your dreams or one to tide you over until that job arrives.Not going to college holds no shame. The individual not attending college will not have those loans hanging around their neck for years to come.
So much to consider, so much to realize. The plans of some already in place and set into motion. Some soon to be. Others will take a moment to enjoy this accomplishment and then take that next step into life as an adult. I pray for them and wish them each and all well.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



So much is being said about what is going on around us. Much of it dividing us badly. Be it political, religious, social, economical... you name it and there are many discussion on the division.
 They are right. We are becoming a country like so many others where if this person or group does not like that person or group, they feel as if they have the right and are expected to destroy the group they dislike.
What happened to our understanding of diversity? What happened to being the melting pot? Why are we allowing this to happen?
Lets be realistic. This is a country that is made up of so many differences it would take a lifetime to try and categorize it all. We shouldn't need to, we shouldn't need to say you are you and should stay over there, you are that and are relegated to that area. As long as nothing illegal is going on, it shouldn't matter the nationality, the gender, the faith of the person or group.
I wonder though, why are we allowing ourselves to be driven apart? Common sense, compassion, trust, respect, responsibility are here and the lack of is over there. Why are we suddenly becoming so hate filled of anyone even slightly different from us?No matter what that difference may be.
Where is the strength and determination that we once had? Where is the pride in a job well done, in earning a living and providing by hard work what a family needs?
Where is the love of family? Where is teaching responsibility and respect for others? Where is the taking responsibility for and care of family?
Where is the respect for life?
We have allowed so many things to drive us apart from each other. We have allowed so many things to drive us away from comprehension, from respect, from understanding the importance of life. It seems that we no longer revere life as important. We don't respect life. We don't value the life of others and the things that they could bring to this world.
Being politically correct has been and is so wrong. It has weakened us. It has opened a door that will be difficult to close. A door to indifference and selfishness. A door to hate, to arrogance, a door to pain, a door to the death of many that should never happen.
I'm sorry for the loss of any life due to violence. I'm sorry for the loss of any life due to any act of terrorism or hate. My heart aches for the families who have lost someone. It doesn't matter who they are. My hope, my desire, my prayer, is that we find a way to close that door and return to respect and understanding. While I do see those moments of respect and compassion, we have a long way to go to bridge the division.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

That Next Bend


is an adventure.
It is or can be, for the most part, the adventure we make. When we seek the adventure.
We don't all get to be the one who becomes world famous. We won't all be internet influencers set to change the way we see things. We won't be the one sharing the next great thing or place. Our words will not be heard round the world, but even if they are heard by a few, that matters.

We won't all make earth shattering, life changing discoveries. Not everyone can win the Nobel Prize. But....if we stop, look and listen, we will see that the little things count too. Sometimes, more than the big things.

That sunrise that slowly chases away the night's dark reign. The carpet of glittering stars that cover the night sky. The drumming of rain, the drops hitting the ground, sending dust skyward until the ground is wet down. A caterpillar becoming a butterfly, a butterfly dancing gracefully on a summer breeze as it moves from flower to flower. The bumblebee that technically should not be able to fly, but does. The lightening bugs that light up the night in a dance of their own. A creek full of life, waiting to be discovered by an inquisitive child. The same creek, a river, pond, ocean that invites one to sit and simply feel.  That big Oak just waiting to be climbed or the Weeping Willow with the best hiding place. A friend one hasn't seen in a while, a new friendship just made.
To listen to the songbirds in the morning and the bull frog at night.To hear and feel that summer breeze or watch the snow fall in winter. The way the layers of white bring a different sort of quiet to the world it touches.
A new place to visit, a familiar one to revisit. To be part of the crowd of other visitors or find a quiet spot to rest in solitude.
How many different ways to find adventure and excitement.? How many different things await discovery? How many different ways to find happiness, excitement, adventure..just around that next bend in the road....

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Strength of Words


Think carefully before you speak, words can be incredibly hurtful. While easily and oft times quickly spoken, the pain they can cause may last a life time. 
Do not lash out in anger, the words you say you may or may not mean, but once said can not be unsaid. I have done this as I'm sure most if not all have. An act, a comment, an event angers us to the point of expressing ourselves vocally, with intense emotions. We speak out without thinking first. We neglect to consider all sides and options. We take that first impression and run with it, exploding in anger and indignation. Without considering, we could be wrong.

 The comments you make may be intended for a joke, but the other person may not see it as such and be hurt by your words. It is important to know the individual and how they interpret words spoken to them. Your words could be all in good fun, or they could be malicious. Do you really want to be cruel? Do you really wish to inflict pain on another in the hopes of making yourself appear bigger, better, stronger, more popular? Is that what you would want someone to do to you?

 A white lie, a fib, a lie of omission is still a lie. Be truthful in your words, they may hurt, but a lie will hurt more doing more damage. Any level of untruth will cause a loss of trust. Trust once lost is hard if not impossible to regain.

Speak in kindness, speak with respect, speak with encouragement. Watch the reactions of those who are the recipient of your words and see how their day is made better. Even those who may originally scoff at you- walk away with a different insight.

The things we say, lasts. Whether it is kindness or cruelty, it remains in the memory of the one(s) who hear and echoes forever. The feelings those words cause, remains. Cruelty in any form, causes one to feel less while kindness encourages and builds another up. Personally, I would much rather my words be kind.

James 3:5-12. King James Version. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature;