Saturday, June 1, 2024

I Will Be That Person


I do not want to be..that..person. But I will if I must.

I recently got into a conversation with a neighbor. Dad's small fishing puddle was brought up. They asked about going down there to fish. I told them  I really doubt there are any fish left in the thing thanks to other neighbors illegally trespassing, climbing the fence and fishing out the bigger cats years ago. The small was what he was wanting to fish for it seems. I told them they would have to talk with mom and dad as it was their property. Shortly after, I headed for home and to run errands.

Fast forward to late yesterday afternoon. My son was gone off on an adventure. I was straightening the kitchen and carried out the trash. As I walked back around the house I heard an odd sound coming from the woods. I first thought it was a deer and wanted to try and see it even if I didn't have my contacts in. As I got closer to the edge of the woods I realized that was not the sound of a deer, but the sound of someone in the woods down at the big puddle. Thinking it was my nephew I yelled out his name, but received no answer. I then yelled his son's name, still no response. The noises continued, sounding like someone with a machete or ax chopping something. I then called my nephew as I wasn't going down there on my own. I will admit that in the past I would have but maybe a bit older and wiser now and have back up to call upon. Turns out it was the neighbor I had spoken with days before. They had just taken it upon themselves to go fishing without talking with anyone.

They have my phone number. I gave it to them during our conversation. I'm guessing they thought they could get away with going by traveling through the woods. What they do not know is sound travels well up that hillside. When I am outside or have windows open, I can hear even casual conversation from the woods. Country folk will understand how well sound travels through the 'hollers' in the country.

When it began to really get dark they called to let me know they would be walking past my house. While I appreciated that call, I would have appreciated a first call more.

I need to have a conversation with this person.

First, the land is still mom and dad's. My name and my brother's name is on the deed, but it is primarily mom and dad's. Be respectful and ask permission. They are reasonable people.  If they say yes, good, but if they say no, accept the no and do not go back. Their age and health does not lend them to handle annoyances well.  Please do not think that every family member has the right to give you permission to be down there, some do, some don't. To be sure, ask mom and dad.

Second. Do not try sneaking in like the people years ago, that's wrong on every level. We need to know who is down there for many reasons. One of the two paths to the puddle is behind my house. I do not want people wandering about crossing my yard. The other is behind mom and dad's house. I definitely do not want strangers in their yard.

Third. It is private property. Even though the fence needs repairs, the fence is around the pond for a reason. To keep private property private. Mom has always feared too many people finding its location and thinking it okay to just go, even though it is not okay. No one is 'entitled' to simply wander about where ever they wish.

Fourth. That is not an open gun range. Yes, my nephew and his son and my brother have gone down there as it is a safe practice area. For family. No one ever goes down there without talking with mom and dad first. Some days are just not good days. They also let me know due to my dogs fear of those loud noises.

I don't want to be difficult. I want to be a good neighbor. But my priority is my parents and keeping them safe and calm. They do not need to worry about people being where they should not. I will be who ever and what ever I need to be, to protect them. I can be the best friend you would ever hope to have, mess with my parents, and I will be your worst enemy. I will be, that person.

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