Wednesday, June 12, 2024



So much is being said about what is going on around us. Much of it dividing us badly. Be it political, religious, social, economical... you name it and there are many discussion on the division.
 They are right. We are becoming a country like so many others where if this person or group does not like that person or group, they feel as if they have the right and are expected to destroy the group they dislike.
What happened to our understanding of diversity? What happened to being the melting pot? Why are we allowing this to happen?
Lets be realistic. This is a country that is made up of so many differences it would take a lifetime to try and categorize it all. We shouldn't need to, we shouldn't need to say you are you and should stay over there, you are that and are relegated to that area. As long as nothing illegal is going on, it shouldn't matter the nationality, the gender, the faith of the person or group.
I wonder though, why are we allowing ourselves to be driven apart? Common sense, compassion, trust, respect, responsibility are here and the lack of is over there. Why are we suddenly becoming so hate filled of anyone even slightly different from us?No matter what that difference may be.
Where is the strength and determination that we once had? Where is the pride in a job well done, in earning a living and providing by hard work what a family needs?
Where is the love of family? Where is teaching responsibility and respect for others? Where is the taking responsibility for and care of family?
Where is the respect for life?
We have allowed so many things to drive us apart from each other. We have allowed so many things to drive us away from comprehension, from respect, from understanding the importance of life. It seems that we no longer revere life as important. We don't respect life. We don't value the life of others and the things that they could bring to this world.
Being politically correct has been and is so wrong. It has weakened us. It has opened a door that will be difficult to close. A door to indifference and selfishness. A door to hate, to arrogance, a door to pain, a door to the death of many that should never happen.
I'm sorry for the loss of any life due to violence. I'm sorry for the loss of any life due to any act of terrorism or hate. My heart aches for the families who have lost someone. It doesn't matter who they are. My hope, my desire, my prayer, is that we find a way to close that door and return to respect and understanding. While I do see those moments of respect and compassion, we have a long way to go to bridge the division.

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