Friday, June 7, 2024

The World Needs More of That


Another day stretches out before us, a blank page awaiting writing, and we, are the writers. The day before us our adventure. Each moment, ours to fill. How will you use this day? How will you fill the page? What thoughts or emotions will reign over your day? Today my son's morning began less than optimally. One incident after another happened and stacked on top of the prior. Each one could have made his attitude darker, but a later text message eased my mind that he wasn't allowing his day to be ruined.
I have conversations with people who no matter what I say, they have to top it in some form. They have faced worse or better... always. I don't fight it, simply accept that they may not intend or realize they are doing this. Its better than pointing it out and maybe causing a conflict or hurt feelings.
 There are days when in all honesty, I am tired, frustrated, weak. I simply want to ignore and be ignored. It is those days when I am challenged the most. It is those days when I will come across someone with a need to be addressed. I will face a delay to require patience. Something will happen that will be a test of my determination to live the life instructed of a Christian. Our words are important, but people often do not listen. They do however see how we live, act, how we treat those around us in every situation.
What will the ones who come after you think? This day is here only once, each moment used then gone. How will your use of that time be recalled? Will you use each block of time as a way to fulfill your own agenda? Or will you make time for compassion? Some moments of Being the difference takes only moments. A kind word can change an entire day for someone. A generous act- open a door, retrieve an item dropped, reach an item for someone- a quick, brief span of time quickly dismissed for some- but that may last weeks for others in their heart and memory.
Will your words and tone or voice, make a moment good, or not? Will you speak in kindness and understanding or not? What reaction to your words will you see in others?
BE the difference for someone today...The World needs more of that.

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