Saturday, June 8, 2024

So Much


Yesterday while in a conversation someone made the comment, "because you do so much". This conversation had nothing to do with my caring for my parents. While I didn't argue, I was confused. I see how much others step up and do in helping and I am nowhere near their level. I would love to be on that level, but I know I'm not. Its actually the same with my parents. I feel as if I could do more, do better, accomplish more. I pray nightly for discernment, strength, compassion to be able to be better in helping.
I wonder though, when it comes to assisting in events or family, are there levels? Do we begin as an apprentice helper and work our way up through the ranks? Are there those who see life and helping this way or is it no matter the amount of help it is all considered "so much"?
 Maybe most people do not keep record of what they do, how much or how often they help. Maybe, it is the act and help that is most important. Maybe, what we do, is the responsibility appointed to us at that time. Maybe, our help is based on the talents and abilities possessed. We should not compare ourselves to others as we are not them. Their talents are not ours and vice versa. What I feel is important is that when it comes to helping, we use those talents to the best of our ability. That we seek to accomplish our assigned mission but always be prepared to step up and help another if the need arises.
Maybe, it isn't the amount, but the willingness. Maybe it isn't the physical work, but the work of the heart. Maybe it isn't the time spent, but the love shown. Maybe, it is understanding that often it is the stepping up as you are able and being there when needed.
 There are times when I feel guilty over not helping more. When I feel as if my limited participation diminishes  my value. I doubt I am alone with those feelings. Yesterday though, I was told I was appreciated because I do so much. That doesn't minimize the work of or those who do more. It shows to me, that all help is appreciated and nothing is too little.
An over thinker at work? Maybe. Sometimes we simply need to work things out in our head and heart to bring a better understanding and acceptance of what we are told. Realizing that for some, even a little is considered a lot, considered as 'so much'.

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