Thursday, June 13, 2024

Graduating to That Next Step


While scrolling through memories on social media, I found one about the graduation of a family member. Since graduations have happened recently I thought I would edit, update and offer it up once again in its new form.
One by one; each following the next, the graduating students made their way around the field to the seating set up for them. High School was almost completed. There was this one final, formal action to take.
The obligatory speeches were made and then the handing out of diplomas began. Each individual crossing the stage, accepting the diploma, shaking hands and returning to their seat. Almost as quickly it was complete. The class of the year stood, moved their tassels to the other side and the class now had graduated. The cheer went up, mortar boards were tossed skyward and it was done.
One stage of life complete............but what now? What does their future hold? They have made it this far, made friends, lost friends, learned much and gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding of many things. They have faced trials and challenges and came through all the stronger. There have been times of amazing fun and exciting events. Memories to hold onto for a lifetime. But what now?
What is their next step? Some will go on to college, continuing what was begun in high school. They will endure the challenges specific to college, long nights, boring lectures, temptations and study, study, study as they work toward their goal. Whether it is a community college, technical college or one offering advanced degrees with lots of letters that will follow their name. The fact is they are advancing and increasing their learning to another level.
For those not yet going or not going at all, there is work waiting. Whether it is the job of your dreams or one to tide you over until that job arrives.Not going to college holds no shame. The individual not attending college will not have those loans hanging around their neck for years to come.
So much to consider, so much to realize. The plans of some already in place and set into motion. Some soon to be. Others will take a moment to enjoy this accomplishment and then take that next step into life as an adult. I pray for them and wish them each and all well.

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