Tuesday, June 11, 2024

That Next Bend


is an adventure.
It is or can be, for the most part, the adventure we make. When we seek the adventure.
We don't all get to be the one who becomes world famous. We won't all be internet influencers set to change the way we see things. We won't be the one sharing the next great thing or place. Our words will not be heard round the world, but even if they are heard by a few, that matters.

We won't all make earth shattering, life changing discoveries. Not everyone can win the Nobel Prize. But....if we stop, look and listen, we will see that the little things count too. Sometimes, more than the big things.

That sunrise that slowly chases away the night's dark reign. The carpet of glittering stars that cover the night sky. The drumming of rain, the drops hitting the ground, sending dust skyward until the ground is wet down. A caterpillar becoming a butterfly, a butterfly dancing gracefully on a summer breeze as it moves from flower to flower. The bumblebee that technically should not be able to fly, but does. The lightening bugs that light up the night in a dance of their own. A creek full of life, waiting to be discovered by an inquisitive child. The same creek, a river, pond, ocean that invites one to sit and simply feel.  That big Oak just waiting to be climbed or the Weeping Willow with the best hiding place. A friend one hasn't seen in a while, a new friendship just made.
To listen to the songbirds in the morning and the bull frog at night.To hear and feel that summer breeze or watch the snow fall in winter. The way the layers of white bring a different sort of quiet to the world it touches.
A new place to visit, a familiar one to revisit. To be part of the crowd of other visitors or find a quiet spot to rest in solitude.
How many different ways to find adventure and excitement.? How many different things await discovery? How many different ways to find happiness, excitement, adventure..just around that next bend in the road....

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