Saturday, June 15, 2024

Difficult Yes, Impossible No


Good morning all-
The sun is out, the birds are singing, I'm half way through a pot of coffee and my heart is at peace. It is summer in the south. Its just after nine in the morning here and already over eighty degrees Fahrenheit. The sun is bright and the day promises to be worthy of looking forward to what ever adventure awaits. But even in the good times, when the days seem to hold happiness within, there are memories of sadness and struggle. We each have faced moments that hold varying degrees of sadness, confusion, grief, even anger. It is up to us, to not allow those memories and moments to make life more difficult.
 My husband has been gone over seven years, my brother five, we have other family members who have been gone longer. Memories and the accompanying grief does creep up from time to time. I admit to still feeling a resentment over losing a long held job, though that emotion lessens with each passing day. Especially with the understanding that I was taken out of the job to be able to be here for my parents. There are moments of being weary. Tired of a responsibility that often seems overwhelming. Knowing though, that this responsibility is also a blessing. Caring for my parents a gift given to me and my family.
  Every night before I lie down to sleep, there is a long conversation in prayer. Because of this time, I am afforded a restful night. I have placed my cares at the foot of the cross and leave them there. Sometimes those conversations are longer than others. Sometimes, there is much more going on that my shoulders alone can bear.
The last few years have been a strange journey. When you are one with poor directional ability and are suddenly cast on a journey of discovery, it doesn't come easily. I am very thankful that as Believer and Follower, I have my God to guide me, shelter me from the worst of storms and protect me when needed. Yet, I am human with human weakness, so there are those times when it gets a bit much.
When you have been through much in your life, you have a deeper understanding of the pain of others. At times, that understanding, becomes difficult to bear. Prayer and a giving it to God is the only answer and solution- even though at times, that too is difficult.
At the service for a family member years ago, when it had moved to graveside, I saw my son. he was standing at the edge of the graveyard, he could not make himself walk down to where we were. He has not been able to set foot there since his dad was buried. He stood at a respectful distance and waited. I could feel his pain. Tomorrow is Father's Day, his dad and his half sister, will have to deal with their private pain. I can't even as I wish I could, take that away. It is their journey to travel.
Life is a journey. For some reason, even as I know people, with the exception of family who have their own lives, I am traveling mine alone. There is a reason, something I need learn, a growing I need to accomplish. I accept it for what it is, even as it is lonely at times. I will sit and view the photos and read what is shared by those who spend time with friends, who have their trips and meals, and I'll smile and be happy for them. I'll listen to the adventures of those who work, and smile. I will learn, how to walk alone in happiness. I will find the courage to get out and go. I will find the happiness that I know God has intended for me. I will be content in this journey, for it is mine, and it is not meant to be one of sadness.
Today is a new day. Today I will smile, I will stand tall, I will take care in my responsibilities, and I will find the reasons to smile. For I am a child of the King, and He loves me, this life, this journey my walk with and to Him.

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