Wednesday, June 5, 2024

This Gift


The original of this was written yesterday. Due to a variety of things I did not get it posted. So here is the updated version.

It's a bit on the dark side this morning. The sun obscured by a light grey cloud cover. The computer said rain was on the way. Rain I don't mind so much as long as its not a gully washing, frog strangling downpour. My mother has a doctor's appointment today and I really do not wish to attempt to drive in one of those. There is also the fact I need new wiper blades on my jeep.
Yesterday over on my social media I shared my day. I wanted to clarify my feelings a bit on why I shared this:
What a day. To the bank for mom and my son. Took forever to get off the dirt road thanks to traffic, then had to wait where the road was one lane due to utility work. Finally out and headed toward the bank. Only two tellers and one was tied up by someone with a locked card. Once it was my turn they misunderstood how I wanted the denominations on the check I cashed for mom. Finally got that all accomplished and was headed home.
Had to wait again at the utility work. Got mom her money and the list of things she needed at Sam's Club. Back on the road, back in line at the utility work, finally headed for and made it to Sam's. Got her water and went off in search of tissues. Ran into a Jeep club member and had a wonderful, though brief, chat. Found the tissues, got that paid for and in the Jeep.Thankfully my shoulder has healed otherwise I could not have lifted those 40 bottle packages over the spare tire.
Then to wally world because I needed eggs. Bought a cold energy drink for my son.
Took James the drink and his bank card.
Made it back tot he dirt road, took mom her stuff and finally got home.
I was home maybe 30 minutes when James called and needed me to come get him. I start out, had to wait at the utility work, then headed to where my son works. He called to check on how close I was when I was 2/3 of the way there. Picked him up, drove home, got through the utility work stop and go and then managed to get home. He got what he needed then rode his bike back to work.
I then went down to mom's and helped her fill out paperwork for her upcoming doctor.'s visit.
Dad had lost a hat my brother brought him from Canada. I found it in the chair under his cushion.
Dad uses a magic potion of water and lavender essential oil in a spray bottle to help him sleep. It needed to be replenished.
Dad had lost his watch. I found that in a jacket pocket in his bedroom.
I got back to my house and decided it was pizza night. As soon as the kitchen is cleaned and I have a cup of hot tea I'm done.

While not all my days are like that, many are. (I am NOT seeking any compliments or comments on how I am doing as a daughter) I simply never know what I'm going to be facing with each new day. Ever since dad fell and struck his head he has days when he can't find things or has to be reminded of stuff that he was just told about not that long ago. The fact he will soon, Good Lord willing, be ninety-five adds to the issues.

As far as the responsibilities and events like yesterday, I am very thankful for the opportunity to be here for those who need me. I am very grateful that I am able to be here and take care of my parents in and with their needs. Do I get tired? Oh yes. Are there other things I wish I could do? Sometimes. But it's a matter of priorities. Right now, they are my priority. Even when I get envious of the things I wish I could but can't do right now. That envy fades quickly when I hear the appreciation in my mother's voice.

Yesterday mom had her appointment. She will need some procedures done on her eyes in the not so distant future. They will be calling me to set up the appointments. We had no idea that the appointment would take as long as it did. Dad is usually fine alone. However when we pulled down the dirt road, there in their driveway was a county police cruiser. A well check. Not sure who called, maybe dad, I didn't ask. Mom and I had discussed dad several times while we were out, so the officer wasn't a real surprise. Thankfully this was another very nice officer. A compassionate, understanding, kind yet professional officer who took all the time needed with dad and us. Still though, this means no more leaving dad alone even on good days. Because good days can change to bad quickly.

Dad has a doctor appointment later today. I may end up taking him myself and letting mom stay home and rest. Because, I will do what I can, as I can, every day. I will answer the calls and run to fix, help, do what ever I am able. I was set aside from a job I would not have left otherwise, to be here for this time. Even on the days I am tired and complain a bit, I will thank God daily for this gift.

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