Saturday, October 31, 2009

dreams to reality

I have long dreamed of being an author. I have been a writer for as long as I can recall. It is my belief that if you write anything at all, poetry, short stories, novels, fan fiction; you are a writer. It is when you see that writing published, when you take that next step, holding book in hand, you then become an author. It is a dream I had thought would remain just that, a dream.
For years I sent columns to a local paper. They gladly accepted my offerings. Publishing them on a semi-regular and then for a while regular basis. That came to a sudden halt not too long ago. Whether they had lost interest in what I offered or had grown tired of my tales, or if the economy (which has wounded us all in some way) had something to do with it. It could also be that I had lost my enthusiasm for it as I was finally pursuing my dream.
It was almost a year ago now that I innocently wandered over to a writer's prompt web page and saw the photos of castles and dragons and other various medieval suggestions. I thought I could jot down a quick poem, post it and be done with it. Instead this poem kept growing. Going from one to six parts and then beginning to change. Taking a life of its own it turned into a story. This story grew into the novel that it is now, The Legend of Dragon's Doom: a Young Warrior's Vow.
Before that I had been writing inspirational poetry. Each day I try to post a poem of praise and thanks, poetry that seeks and finds. Those were collected together into a book titled Blessed. Most of these were written during the time when I was battling cancer and my husband was out of work. During the time of dark storms and bright inspirational light and hope.
I self published both of these. Blessed, because it is poetry. The Legend of Dragon's Doom because most of it was published openly in one of my blogs online. I did not think it would go as far as it did, or garner the attention and comments that it did. By the time I realized what I had, it was too late. With first rights basically gone I saw no reason to approach the traditional publishers or agents. I did however have these books proof read by no less than six people. I suffered over every word, every sentence. These books are a part of me. While I did not have to deal with letters of rejection, that does not mean I cared less, tried less, put less into them.
With books in hand I have set out to turn this project into the grand adventure that it could possibly be. Creating business cards and other hand outs that I carry with me at all times, right nest to copies of each book. I try to take advantage of every opportunity to talk about my books. I have participated in local festivals in an attempt to sell books and also to get my name out there so that people know the books exist.
I have contacted people that I hope will be able to assist me. One being the event coordinator at the local library. Being that they have always been good about supporting and promoting local artists and authors I hope that it will continue with me.
I have other projects that are in the works. One being a collection of short stories about life here on my dirt road. There is a magic here, and I believe that magic played a part in the creation of these books and the ones to come.
I believe that during the time of storm that I faced, during the many walks I took then and the ones I take now, I am never alone. I am blessed in my belief, I am blessed in many ways- therefore the titles- Blessed.
May we all
find out blessing.

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