Thursday, August 16, 2012

This Moment

Here I am Lord, my heart crying out to You

You have said, come to You, bring everything to You

I am here Lord, the storm has grown dark

the clouds seeking to darken the path

I need Your light, shining down, covering me

the waves have grown, Lord I fear

How they have grown, tossing my calm away

My heart trembles, my thoughts all in confusion

yet I know, it is You I need

so I am here, coming to You

placing it all at Your feet

You knew this was coming, You knew what we would face

nothing catches You unaware, unprepared

I need Your calm, I need Your peace

wrapping around this wounded heart

holding me safe, holding me secure within Your sheltering arms

calm my fears as one does a child, for this moment

I am a child, and I am afraid

this moment, I am weak, I need Your strength

this moment Lord, I am weary, I need Your rest

I am here Lord, placing this struggle at Your feet

giving to You, this storm in my life

for I need Your peace, for me and for my household

Lord You are our protector, You are our shelter

You hear our cries in the dark and You are here

never far from our side, never far from our heart

Your peace ours for the asking

so here I am Lord, kneeling before You

this moment, seeking Your sweet healing peace for a worrisome heart

Your calm for a troubled spirit.

This moment my Lord my God

this moment, I need You, in the midst of this storm

This moment, I trust in You, Savior and King

For I know, with a mere word from You, calm reigns.

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