Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Divisive by Design..

Good morning all. As in mornings past I was sitting here enjoying that first cup of coffee, watching the day brighten outside my window and surfing the web. News, information, photographs and more all waiting to be read, viewed and absorbed. Through it all, emotions are strong. Not all of it good. We have and are allowing the media to direct us and feed upon our divisiveness.
Yes, a wrong has been done. A young man is dead, another man's life in ruins because of his actions. We do not know all the facts, we know what we have been fed. Whether or not I think justice was served is not the point of this status. We are right in being concerned over a young man's death, but, we should be just as concerned over ALL of the deaths, not just this one. Those that are in the news for one day or for several then fade away. The young and the not as young. The children who are grabbed from front yards by strangers and the children who vanish along with non-custodial parents. The young and the not so young that die by the hands of anyone.
We need to be concerned over the deaths of those who find themselves involved in things from the dark side. Drug deals gone bad, robberies of any sort, disagreements whose only way of solving is through violence because we no longer understand any other way.
We need to be concerned over the deaths of convenience.
We are allowing the media and the many social networks set up to allow us to vent our venom on and about those we do not understand. Those who are different. We are allowing the mass media to divide us even more. I know and understand that there are differences among us.
Southern is not northern nor western. Each have their different manners and ways of doing things. Among them all there are the intelligent and the not so intelligent. I have read the comments from both sides. Each side has their compassionate and their heartless. All sides have those who are racist, who have beliefs, ideas and opinions that are set in stone and nothing will sway them. Cruelty is universal. We have become a people so ready to jump and scream about injustice and racism, about inequality and phobias, about all of what we see as bad. Ready to jump and scream but not so ready to roll up our sleeves and open our hearts and work toward a better understanding among the different.
We need to stop screaming and insulting each other and start trying to improve and make better. Riots and marches get momentary attention, but then it fades and what has been accomplished? Insulting your neighbor who is of a different nationality, educational level, religion..etc.. possibly gives you a momentary satisfaction, but what about five minutes later? What have you accomplished? What have you made better?
Would that not be there better justice for a young person's death? That in the end, we come to a better understanding, that we come together better as a people? That we no longer see color, clothing, nationalities- we see humanity and work to make it better, stronger, more unified?

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