Tuesday, August 6, 2013

How Often?

                                      Mornings are always special-life is precious-our days are gifts

Good morning all--its early on a Tuesday morning. As I sit here enjoying that first cup of coffee waiting for time to head in to work I'm  listening to the rain falling steadily outside and listening to my son James as he laments over car windows left open.  You would think that after all of the rain we have had this so called summer he would have known better. In the very least making sure the windows were up before he called it a night last night.A simple, should have done it action, that would have taken only a few moments of his time. Yet he didn't, and now he will pay the cost.

How often is there something that should have been done, but was left undone?

How often is it, when you could have made a call, to a family member, to a friend? When you could have returned a missed call just to make sure that everything was okay? Afraid that call would interrupt a schedule or take too much of your precious time? So you put it off. Did an elderly family member or friend need you to run an errand for them? Did someone who is unable due to a temporary setback or permanent handicap need you to do something but you couldn't- wouldn't for what ever reason?  Could you have given a ride, helped in a crisis or a need? Have you driven by someone broken down without a second thought? Watched a homeless person shuffle aimless or sit on a sidewalk with that helpless look? Did you think about volunteering for a project, time at a shelter or soup kitchen? Have you walked past someone struggling to get an item just out of reach, or open a door with arms full or with a handicap preventing? How often?

  Do you have regrets over things left undone? Do you feel guilty over not helping the one you saw struggling? That door is closed, we can't go back and change what was. We can however go forward with a different attitude, with a different heart.

   There are variations of a story where we cannot change the world by a single action, but we can change the world for the ones we are able to help. (Oh and grandstanding about your help...doesn't help) Simple actions, kind words, compassion..actions of heart and mercy to one can create a ripple effect that can change a world. Rome wasn't built in a day, a fence is build one post at a time, a home one brick at a time. Life and lives are changed, one action at a time. If you are able to make one person feel better, give them reason to smile, then most often, they will seek out ways to share that feeling. And change has begun.
 Be blessed--

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