Friday, June 21, 2013

Pure Love

There within me resides a love
greater than any other
not a love that I can give
even as I try
but a love, that is unmatched
and given freely
yet the cost was much
a cost, paid again and again
as I stumble in my walk
there are many who do not understand
seeing it as this, or that but not for what it is
love, pure love
there are many who have heard the falsehoods
and took them as truth
there are many who have taken the truth
and twisted its meaning
taking love's beauty
and marring it with a stain of ugly intent
creating a dislike among those yet lost
in misunderstanding
within me, is a love
filling this heart, changing this life
giving to me the way, to better understanding
as I listen, when I hear.
Bought with a price
paid by the life of the Son
who came in love
washed clean by spilled blood
sin's price paid
within me resides a love
even as I stumble
grace, sweet unearned grace surrounds me
teaching, and guiding my life
the Spirit that fills me
all gifts, given at a cost I could not pay
all a part, of that pure love

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