Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Our Walk Matters


Another morning, another cup of coffee, another few moments of peace. Sitting here, feeling the cool morning breeze coming through the windows and knowing it won't last long. I'm enjoying hearing the songs of the birds from their various locations around the woods. I've spoken briefly with mom and know that she and dad both had a good night.
 I love this time of day before everything gets busy and there is time for preparation. A chance to get the mind, body and spirit ready for what's to come. A time to determine that today, I will walk in peace. I will walk in joy. I will walk with an open eye, a willing heart and a ready hand to reach out to others.
We each are all facing our own set of worries, our own storms..often letting them eat at us, worry us, create in us a sense of doom, which allows them to defeat us. Too many times when we hold that sense of doom, it does not leave room for our power and ability to overcome. Many tend to give in to our storms and allow them to win.

 Instead, walk in the determination of success, the attitude of gratitude for what you have and seek peace in that all will be well. Maybe not immediately. Maybe not in the way you wanted, but in the way it should. Reach out to others who suffering is worse, lift and encourage them and see how your own day improves.
May you in all things be blessed.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Memory Lane (Break on the Channel)


This is a memory from 2019. It has been slightly edited for clarity and grammar.
Over the course of the weekend I did the face book thing and changed my profile pic to one of me and my dad in honor of Father's Day. This morning I saw that someone had commented and upon checking saw that they had called me by my old citizen's band radio handle. I hadn't heard that name in 40 years and it really caught me off guard. I had no idea there was even anyone around that remembered that.
But it really set off a bout of nostalgia. I think that I was around 19 when I first got on the radio. You had to have call letters then. I had a base station and a mobile unit with a big ole whip antenna swinging on the back of my red Chevy nova.
What fun those days were. Hanging out with people, whether in their home, driveway, on a ball field having a killer softball game or at one of the many coffee breaks. I would even dance then, if that tells you how long its been since I've danced.
There was a wonderfully diverse group of people on the radio, and while there were the occasional arguments, for the most part we got along.
One night after a coffee break not far from here I was on my way home. I had a car fall in behind me and start to follow me. All I had to do was key the mike and let it be known. I had help in a minute. My car broke down on me one day down near the Belmont Abbey College. Someone heard my call for help and within a short time were there. They not only got my car running, but followed me home to make sure it didn't happen again.
My very first dealing with a truck driver was an Estes driver who seemed to turn up often.At that time I had no knowledge of dedicated runs or day cabs.  Every time the driver saw me he would holler at me on the radio and we spoke briefly. I never met him face to face, and like now, from time to time the memory would surface.
When I was living in Louisiana, I went to work for a custom cabinet shop. They used the radio to communicate with each other and a base in the shop. The manager's son told me, if you really know how to talk on the radio, lets see what you can do. There was a guy who lived close and was talking over everything therefore needed a lesson. okay fine. For the next few minutes I shot skip and barely took a breath. I only stopped when the bear drove by. But the guy learned.
I know that the drivers at the time would get annoyed because so many were choking up the channels. At that time, a time before cell phones, the radio was a much needed tool and to be honest, still is. I never talked on my husband's radio, I stayed away for many reasons. When he passed away, I gave the radio away to someone who needed it.
.Memory lane, an amazing place to visit..
So break on the channel...break break..
I'm going to back on out of here now, and put it 10-7 on the side, Y'all hammer down, but keep the shiny side up and the greasy side down, keep it between the ditches and get to your destination safe. Drivers, you are important, and we appreciate you..10-4.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Difficult Yes, Impossible No


Good morning all-
The sun is out, the birds are singing, I'm half way through a pot of coffee and my heart is at peace. It is summer in the south. Its just after nine in the morning here and already over eighty degrees Fahrenheit. The sun is bright and the day promises to be worthy of looking forward to what ever adventure awaits. But even in the good times, when the days seem to hold happiness within, there are memories of sadness and struggle. We each have faced moments that hold varying degrees of sadness, confusion, grief, even anger. It is up to us, to not allow those memories and moments to make life more difficult.
 My husband has been gone over seven years, my brother five, we have other family members who have been gone longer. Memories and the accompanying grief does creep up from time to time. I admit to still feeling a resentment over losing a long held job, though that emotion lessens with each passing day. Especially with the understanding that I was taken out of the job to be able to be here for my parents. There are moments of being weary. Tired of a responsibility that often seems overwhelming. Knowing though, that this responsibility is also a blessing. Caring for my parents a gift given to me and my family.
  Every night before I lie down to sleep, there is a long conversation in prayer. Because of this time, I am afforded a restful night. I have placed my cares at the foot of the cross and leave them there. Sometimes those conversations are longer than others. Sometimes, there is much more going on that my shoulders alone can bear.
The last few years have been a strange journey. When you are one with poor directional ability and are suddenly cast on a journey of discovery, it doesn't come easily. I am very thankful that as Believer and Follower, I have my God to guide me, shelter me from the worst of storms and protect me when needed. Yet, I am human with human weakness, so there are those times when it gets a bit much.
When you have been through much in your life, you have a deeper understanding of the pain of others. At times, that understanding, becomes difficult to bear. Prayer and a giving it to God is the only answer and solution- even though at times, that too is difficult.
At the service for a family member years ago, when it had moved to graveside, I saw my son. he was standing at the edge of the graveyard, he could not make himself walk down to where we were. He has not been able to set foot there since his dad was buried. He stood at a respectful distance and waited. I could feel his pain. Tomorrow is Father's Day, his dad and his half sister, will have to deal with their private pain. I can't even as I wish I could, take that away. It is their journey to travel.
Life is a journey. For some reason, even as I know people, with the exception of family who have their own lives, I am traveling mine alone. There is a reason, something I need learn, a growing I need to accomplish. I accept it for what it is, even as it is lonely at times. I will sit and view the photos and read what is shared by those who spend time with friends, who have their trips and meals, and I'll smile and be happy for them. I'll listen to the adventures of those who work, and smile. I will learn, how to walk alone in happiness. I will find the courage to get out and go. I will find the happiness that I know God has intended for me. I will be content in this journey, for it is mine, and it is not meant to be one of sadness.
Today is a new day. Today I will smile, I will stand tall, I will take care in my responsibilities, and I will find the reasons to smile. For I am a child of the King, and He loves me, this life, this journey my walk with and to Him.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Graduating to That Next Step


While scrolling through memories on social media, I found one about the graduation of a family member. Since graduations have happened recently I thought I would edit, update and offer it up once again in its new form.
One by one; each following the next, the graduating students made their way around the field to the seating set up for them. High School was almost completed. There was this one final, formal action to take.
The obligatory speeches were made and then the handing out of diplomas began. Each individual crossing the stage, accepting the diploma, shaking hands and returning to their seat. Almost as quickly it was complete. The class of the year stood, moved their tassels to the other side and the class now had graduated. The cheer went up, mortar boards were tossed skyward and it was done.
One stage of life complete............but what now? What does their future hold? They have made it this far, made friends, lost friends, learned much and gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding of many things. They have faced trials and challenges and came through all the stronger. There have been times of amazing fun and exciting events. Memories to hold onto for a lifetime. But what now?
What is their next step? Some will go on to college, continuing what was begun in high school. They will endure the challenges specific to college, long nights, boring lectures, temptations and study, study, study as they work toward their goal. Whether it is a community college, technical college or one offering advanced degrees with lots of letters that will follow their name. The fact is they are advancing and increasing their learning to another level.
For those not yet going or not going at all, there is work waiting. Whether it is the job of your dreams or one to tide you over until that job arrives.Not going to college holds no shame. The individual not attending college will not have those loans hanging around their neck for years to come.
So much to consider, so much to realize. The plans of some already in place and set into motion. Some soon to be. Others will take a moment to enjoy this accomplishment and then take that next step into life as an adult. I pray for them and wish them each and all well.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



So much is being said about what is going on around us. Much of it dividing us badly. Be it political, religious, social, economical... you name it and there are many discussion on the division.
 They are right. We are becoming a country like so many others where if this person or group does not like that person or group, they feel as if they have the right and are expected to destroy the group they dislike.
What happened to our understanding of diversity? What happened to being the melting pot? Why are we allowing this to happen?
Lets be realistic. This is a country that is made up of so many differences it would take a lifetime to try and categorize it all. We shouldn't need to, we shouldn't need to say you are you and should stay over there, you are that and are relegated to that area. As long as nothing illegal is going on, it shouldn't matter the nationality, the gender, the faith of the person or group.
I wonder though, why are we allowing ourselves to be driven apart? Common sense, compassion, trust, respect, responsibility are here and the lack of is over there. Why are we suddenly becoming so hate filled of anyone even slightly different from us?No matter what that difference may be.
Where is the strength and determination that we once had? Where is the pride in a job well done, in earning a living and providing by hard work what a family needs?
Where is the love of family? Where is teaching responsibility and respect for others? Where is the taking responsibility for and care of family?
Where is the respect for life?
We have allowed so many things to drive us apart from each other. We have allowed so many things to drive us away from comprehension, from respect, from understanding the importance of life. It seems that we no longer revere life as important. We don't respect life. We don't value the life of others and the things that they could bring to this world.
Being politically correct has been and is so wrong. It has weakened us. It has opened a door that will be difficult to close. A door to indifference and selfishness. A door to hate, to arrogance, a door to pain, a door to the death of many that should never happen.
I'm sorry for the loss of any life due to violence. I'm sorry for the loss of any life due to any act of terrorism or hate. My heart aches for the families who have lost someone. It doesn't matter who they are. My hope, my desire, my prayer, is that we find a way to close that door and return to respect and understanding. While I do see those moments of respect and compassion, we have a long way to go to bridge the division.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

That Next Bend


is an adventure.
It is or can be, for the most part, the adventure we make. When we seek the adventure.
We don't all get to be the one who becomes world famous. We won't all be internet influencers set to change the way we see things. We won't be the one sharing the next great thing or place. Our words will not be heard round the world, but even if they are heard by a few, that matters.

We won't all make earth shattering, life changing discoveries. Not everyone can win the Nobel Prize. But....if we stop, look and listen, we will see that the little things count too. Sometimes, more than the big things.

That sunrise that slowly chases away the night's dark reign. The carpet of glittering stars that cover the night sky. The drumming of rain, the drops hitting the ground, sending dust skyward until the ground is wet down. A caterpillar becoming a butterfly, a butterfly dancing gracefully on a summer breeze as it moves from flower to flower. The bumblebee that technically should not be able to fly, but does. The lightening bugs that light up the night in a dance of their own. A creek full of life, waiting to be discovered by an inquisitive child. The same creek, a river, pond, ocean that invites one to sit and simply feel.  That big Oak just waiting to be climbed or the Weeping Willow with the best hiding place. A friend one hasn't seen in a while, a new friendship just made.
To listen to the songbirds in the morning and the bull frog at night.To hear and feel that summer breeze or watch the snow fall in winter. The way the layers of white bring a different sort of quiet to the world it touches.
A new place to visit, a familiar one to revisit. To be part of the crowd of other visitors or find a quiet spot to rest in solitude.
How many different ways to find adventure and excitement.? How many different things await discovery? How many different ways to find happiness, excitement, adventure..just around that next bend in the road....

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Strength of Words


Think carefully before you speak, words can be incredibly hurtful. While easily and oft times quickly spoken, the pain they can cause may last a life time. 
Do not lash out in anger, the words you say you may or may not mean, but once said can not be unsaid. I have done this as I'm sure most if not all have. An act, a comment, an event angers us to the point of expressing ourselves vocally, with intense emotions. We speak out without thinking first. We neglect to consider all sides and options. We take that first impression and run with it, exploding in anger and indignation. Without considering, we could be wrong.

 The comments you make may be intended for a joke, but the other person may not see it as such and be hurt by your words. It is important to know the individual and how they interpret words spoken to them. Your words could be all in good fun, or they could be malicious. Do you really want to be cruel? Do you really wish to inflict pain on another in the hopes of making yourself appear bigger, better, stronger, more popular? Is that what you would want someone to do to you?

 A white lie, a fib, a lie of omission is still a lie. Be truthful in your words, they may hurt, but a lie will hurt more doing more damage. Any level of untruth will cause a loss of trust. Trust once lost is hard if not impossible to regain.

Speak in kindness, speak with respect, speak with encouragement. Watch the reactions of those who are the recipient of your words and see how their day is made better. Even those who may originally scoff at you- walk away with a different insight.

The things we say, lasts. Whether it is kindness or cruelty, it remains in the memory of the one(s) who hear and echoes forever. The feelings those words cause, remains. Cruelty in any form, causes one to feel less while kindness encourages and builds another up. Personally, I would much rather my words be kind.

James 3:5-12. King James Version. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature;

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Fitting In


I was trying to write a blog on not taking things personally. I didn't get very far because that is an ongoing problem for me. No matter how many times my son reminds me that not everything is about me, it is still a struggle.  I won't go into how many times I've walked away from someone angry enough to chew up ten penny nails and spit out thumb tacks. Biting back the words I wanted to say, hoping that I had misunderstood even when I was pretty sure I hadn't. I was reasonably sure that the person had meant to do or say exactly what they had.
How many times have I fought the tears brought on by feelings hurt by the words or actions of another. How many times have I been with others to be ignored no matter how I tried to join in? How many times have I sat and watched as others discussed something that I was not invited to be a part of?
Its easy to get upset at others if their tone of voice or attitude strikes you wrong. Maybe they meant to sound that way, maybe they didn't. Maybe they didn't even realize how they sounded. There are those who are perpetually angry or sarcastic and enjoy verbally slicing into others. There are those whose personality could give one the feeling that they are meaner than they really are if you are not accustomed to them and their actions. There are also those who seem to be the sweetest and most kind who are, but those who are the exact opposite in truth and action.

There are so many different social cues that it can be difficult to know how to act around who. One can also have difficulty in handling situations properly. Fear, insecurity, being introverted or empathic, all add to the problems with knowing how to act and react in groups or even in one on one conversations. I won't admit to how many times I've walked away kicking myself for something I said or did that I felt should have been left unsaid or done. Not realizing that most of the time my words and actions are quickly forgotten or not even noticed to begin with.

Sometimes we try so hard to fit in with others, that we lose who we are. We cannot be this way for this group, that way for another and then someone else for others. When we live our life honestly as who we are, there will be those who accept us for who we are. Faults and all. Mistakes and all. Insecurities and all. We won't need to beg or fight for their friendship.

I do try not to allow the words and or actions of others to drag me down. It is not an easy thing, to not take things personally. It isn't easy to be the strong one, the one determined not to sink to that level when one you are dealing with may be cruel. It isn't easy to find your people, the ones who love you for you. It isn't easy, but it is so worth it in the long run.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

So Much


Yesterday while in a conversation someone made the comment, "because you do so much". This conversation had nothing to do with my caring for my parents. While I didn't argue, I was confused. I see how much others step up and do in helping and I am nowhere near their level. I would love to be on that level, but I know I'm not. Its actually the same with my parents. I feel as if I could do more, do better, accomplish more. I pray nightly for discernment, strength, compassion to be able to be better in helping.
I wonder though, when it comes to assisting in events or family, are there levels? Do we begin as an apprentice helper and work our way up through the ranks? Are there those who see life and helping this way or is it no matter the amount of help it is all considered "so much"?
 Maybe most people do not keep record of what they do, how much or how often they help. Maybe, it is the act and help that is most important. Maybe, what we do, is the responsibility appointed to us at that time. Maybe, our help is based on the talents and abilities possessed. We should not compare ourselves to others as we are not them. Their talents are not ours and vice versa. What I feel is important is that when it comes to helping, we use those talents to the best of our ability. That we seek to accomplish our assigned mission but always be prepared to step up and help another if the need arises.
Maybe, it isn't the amount, but the willingness. Maybe it isn't the physical work, but the work of the heart. Maybe it isn't the time spent, but the love shown. Maybe, it is understanding that often it is the stepping up as you are able and being there when needed.
 There are times when I feel guilty over not helping more. When I feel as if my limited participation diminishes  my value. I doubt I am alone with those feelings. Yesterday though, I was told I was appreciated because I do so much. That doesn't minimize the work of or those who do more. It shows to me, that all help is appreciated and nothing is too little.
An over thinker at work? Maybe. Sometimes we simply need to work things out in our head and heart to bring a better understanding and acceptance of what we are told. Realizing that for some, even a little is considered a lot, considered as 'so much'.

Friday, June 7, 2024

The World Needs More of That


Another day stretches out before us, a blank page awaiting writing, and we, are the writers. The day before us our adventure. Each moment, ours to fill. How will you use this day? How will you fill the page? What thoughts or emotions will reign over your day? Today my son's morning began less than optimally. One incident after another happened and stacked on top of the prior. Each one could have made his attitude darker, but a later text message eased my mind that he wasn't allowing his day to be ruined.
I have conversations with people who no matter what I say, they have to top it in some form. They have faced worse or better... always. I don't fight it, simply accept that they may not intend or realize they are doing this. Its better than pointing it out and maybe causing a conflict or hurt feelings.
 There are days when in all honesty, I am tired, frustrated, weak. I simply want to ignore and be ignored. It is those days when I am challenged the most. It is those days when I will come across someone with a need to be addressed. I will face a delay to require patience. Something will happen that will be a test of my determination to live the life instructed of a Christian. Our words are important, but people often do not listen. They do however see how we live, act, how we treat those around us in every situation.
What will the ones who come after you think? This day is here only once, each moment used then gone. How will your use of that time be recalled? Will you use each block of time as a way to fulfill your own agenda? Or will you make time for compassion? Some moments of Being the difference takes only moments. A kind word can change an entire day for someone. A generous act- open a door, retrieve an item dropped, reach an item for someone- a quick, brief span of time quickly dismissed for some- but that may last weeks for others in their heart and memory.
Will your words and tone or voice, make a moment good, or not? Will you speak in kindness and understanding or not? What reaction to your words will you see in others?
BE the difference for someone today...The World needs more of that.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Truly Poor


I'm sitting here enjoying that usual cup okay cups, of morning coffee. All the routine things have been handled and now I have a moment. The windows are open and I am listening to the wind blow through the trees outside. The sky is a light grey due to the possibility of rain. At the moment, this is a time of reflection.
 Today would have been my late husband's 71st birthday.  I do miss him, but I am  adapting to life without him. This life if being single and yet strong.
This weekend there is a large gathering of folks who drive Jeeps in a nearby mountain town. My brother is talking about a trip he has coming up next month. Things I cannot participate in due to a couple reasons. Only one of which is financial.  My son was recently complaining about us being poor. This gave me a good reason for one of those mom speeches. While we are financially restricted, we are not poor. Poor is homeless. Poor is without personal vehicles. Poor is hungry. Poor is wearing the same clothes every day due to not having anything else. He did understand and agree.
 One reason is the fact I do not like doing things alone. Maybe if I made myself do it more often, I would grow more comfortable being a single person in a crowd of couples or gathering of friends. I also do not feel comfortable driving to places without knowing where I am going, where the parking or the gathering as a group will be. My son tried to tell me its the not knowing everything that adds to the sense of adventure.
 The main reason is the need to be here with and for my parents. From moment to moment one never knows what may happen. 
 I took mom to a doctor's appointment one day this week and the appointment took longer than expected. Dad who is usually fine alone, had a moment and got scared. He called the county police who responded to make sure he was okay. They had arrived shortly before we got back. We are now putting plans into place that someone is always there should I have to take mom anywhere without him. My extended family has helped in the past, even as they all work and have other responsibilities. Now though, I will need more of that help.

Here's the thing. While I do at times feel as if I am missing out when I can't participate in events or go on trips, the envy passes quickly. While my son and I do not have a massive or even small amount of throw way cash, we have enough. It isn't money or lack of that makes one wealthy or poor. It is what one has in their heart.

We live where I grew up, the small forest behind the house still full of the magic and memories. The peace and privacy priceless. We have family around us who are here for us when needed. We are able to help them, when needed. We won't eat at the finest establishments or run off to far away adventures, but we do have food, home, clothing. We have our requirements to life and that is all we really need.

Thing is, there is a big difference in what is poor. There is poor materially which in the end, won't matter. The worst type of poor, is spiritually poor. It is when you do not know the Lord or have Him in your heart. It is when you do not know His forgiveness that lightens your spirit. It is when you do not know His love, the love that causes you to share with others what you have been given. The peace. The comfort. The assurance. The promise of eternal life with Him. The things of this lifetime will pass away. The material possessions will become immaterial once our life ends. What is important, is the relationship we have with Jesus. For the time we spend with Him after this life, is eternal and will never fade away. It is without Him, when we are truly poor.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

This Gift


The original of this was written yesterday. Due to a variety of things I did not get it posted. So here is the updated version.

It's a bit on the dark side this morning. The sun obscured by a light grey cloud cover. The computer said rain was on the way. Rain I don't mind so much as long as its not a gully washing, frog strangling downpour. My mother has a doctor's appointment today and I really do not wish to attempt to drive in one of those. There is also the fact I need new wiper blades on my jeep.
Yesterday over on my social media I shared my day. I wanted to clarify my feelings a bit on why I shared this:
What a day. To the bank for mom and my son. Took forever to get off the dirt road thanks to traffic, then had to wait where the road was one lane due to utility work. Finally out and headed toward the bank. Only two tellers and one was tied up by someone with a locked card. Once it was my turn they misunderstood how I wanted the denominations on the check I cashed for mom. Finally got that all accomplished and was headed home.
Had to wait again at the utility work. Got mom her money and the list of things she needed at Sam's Club. Back on the road, back in line at the utility work, finally headed for and made it to Sam's. Got her water and went off in search of tissues. Ran into a Jeep club member and had a wonderful, though brief, chat. Found the tissues, got that paid for and in the Jeep.Thankfully my shoulder has healed otherwise I could not have lifted those 40 bottle packages over the spare tire.
Then to wally world because I needed eggs. Bought a cold energy drink for my son.
Took James the drink and his bank card.
Made it back tot he dirt road, took mom her stuff and finally got home.
I was home maybe 30 minutes when James called and needed me to come get him. I start out, had to wait at the utility work, then headed to where my son works. He called to check on how close I was when I was 2/3 of the way there. Picked him up, drove home, got through the utility work stop and go and then managed to get home. He got what he needed then rode his bike back to work.
I then went down to mom's and helped her fill out paperwork for her upcoming doctor.'s visit.
Dad had lost a hat my brother brought him from Canada. I found it in the chair under his cushion.
Dad uses a magic potion of water and lavender essential oil in a spray bottle to help him sleep. It needed to be replenished.
Dad had lost his watch. I found that in a jacket pocket in his bedroom.
I got back to my house and decided it was pizza night. As soon as the kitchen is cleaned and I have a cup of hot tea I'm done.

While not all my days are like that, many are. (I am NOT seeking any compliments or comments on how I am doing as a daughter) I simply never know what I'm going to be facing with each new day. Ever since dad fell and struck his head he has days when he can't find things or has to be reminded of stuff that he was just told about not that long ago. The fact he will soon, Good Lord willing, be ninety-five adds to the issues.

As far as the responsibilities and events like yesterday, I am very thankful for the opportunity to be here for those who need me. I am very grateful that I am able to be here and take care of my parents in and with their needs. Do I get tired? Oh yes. Are there other things I wish I could do? Sometimes. But it's a matter of priorities. Right now, they are my priority. Even when I get envious of the things I wish I could but can't do right now. That envy fades quickly when I hear the appreciation in my mother's voice.

Yesterday mom had her appointment. She will need some procedures done on her eyes in the not so distant future. They will be calling me to set up the appointments. We had no idea that the appointment would take as long as it did. Dad is usually fine alone. However when we pulled down the dirt road, there in their driveway was a county police cruiser. A well check. Not sure who called, maybe dad, I didn't ask. Mom and I had discussed dad several times while we were out, so the officer wasn't a real surprise. Thankfully this was another very nice officer. A compassionate, understanding, kind yet professional officer who took all the time needed with dad and us. Still though, this means no more leaving dad alone even on good days. Because good days can change to bad quickly.

Dad has a doctor appointment later today. I may end up taking him myself and letting mom stay home and rest. Because, I will do what I can, as I can, every day. I will answer the calls and run to fix, help, do what ever I am able. I was set aside from a job I would not have left otherwise, to be here for this time. Even on the days I am tired and complain a bit, I will thank God daily for this gift.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Lessons Across Time


Not being employed or having a productive hobby gives me plenty of time to think. From time to time I've had conversations face to face or online with people who have mentioned that they can tell a difference in me. I'll be honest, I can tell a difference in me.
Back when the virus thing first showed up, there was some concern but not much as I felt safe in my job,I knew they were doing what they thought best to protect the employees and I didn't go much of anywhere after work anyway.
Then, I got the call letting me know I no longer had a job. That rocked my world a bit. I just wasn't expecting that after having been told often that I would always be there and my job was secure. I was hurt. I was angry. I felt betrayed.
But. I love it when there's a but..Looking back now after over time, I can see that this has worked out for the best. Now, over four years along, the mental angst I felt then, has faded to a point of nothing more than the annoyance of a mosquito. The desire to spew vocal venom over the loss of job and the way it was done is gone. Because I can see all that has come since.
 My parents are getting up in years. They have health issues and needs that I am able to assist with since I am here. Time passing has taken a heavy toll on them, but it tends to do that to us all.
I was told when I was let go that I would be called back when things picked up. I needed something to do while I waited. Yard work.
What began then simply as a project to give me something to do and make my yard look better in appearance and be safer in use has brought about so much more. That is only strengthened by my current home and yard projects.
When the first section was completed, there was a really good feeling of accomplishment. There was also a feeling of peace inside as I was doing the work all on my own as much as possible. If something was too heavy, I did ask my son for help, but most times I found a way to get things done on my own. The job I had, always kept me pretty busy, so I'm used to activity, but I was using muscles that I didn't ordinarily use. Still, parts of it became methodical. When you start doing something like that, you can get a rhythm and it helps bring about a feeling of peace.
As each section of the yard was cleared, I felt better. The first time I found many snakes along the way, most nonvenomous, but a few that were dangerous and who were immediately relocated. This time I have not found any reptiles other than the very small and totally harmless.
I've been reading books that are educational and enlightening. I have not been able to sit and read in forever. There was always an interruption. Because of that my focus and attention span had suffered. Still now, years in, I find myself late in the evening reading and finding peace in the moments.
With all of the time that I have had here on my own, all the time to search my own heart and mind, I have found something that was long misplaced..me. I do still have those moments of stress, especially when I am concerned about my son or parents. Otherwise, there is a peace inside that has long been missing. I am very happy at long last with me. I like me, I like the life I have been given, I am content. I will admit that there are those rare moments when the solitude can be lonely, but it is a passing moment. I feel that this time has purpose. If I were popular and highly social, I could not be here for my parents. They need me more than I need a social status.
I am blessed with a home that sits in the woods. I can listen to the birds, I can watch what ever critter wanders by, I can watch the hummingbirds defend the feeders from each other. I have a body that still can do pretty much what I ask, I have a mind that is hungry for more understanding of expanded topics. I have a heart that loves and I have a soul that while seeks to find ways to make life better for others, is content with mine otherwise. The days of darkness have faded to near nothing, a disappearing point in the distance. Time heals and time instructs. I feel I have grown in many ways.  My mind, heart and spirit knows where my help comes from, my help comes from the Lord.
Psalm 121 1
I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Finding The Way


Do you ever feel as if you are alone? That if you were to disappear, no one would notice or care? Do you ever find yourself in a room, sitting alone, while others seem to be the life of the party? They are the one everyone gathers around, while you feel left out? Do you find yourself deliberately standing back in a gathering, feeling alone while others are gathered together laughing and enjoying the moment? Because you feel as if you don't fit in, don't belong, don't ... don't....don't??
Where do we get these ideas, thoughts and feelings from?
Yes, we are each and all different from the others. Every one of us is unique with out own set of talents and personality. Some are more comfortable in group gatherings, while some may be better at hiding or working over and through their discomfort. Some may be better and more determined to be a part of something rather than allow insecurities to cause them to miss out. Some love the fun and energy that comes from being in a crowd.
There is a sad truth that thanks to things such as internet and social media giving some people a sense of anonymity, they feel as if they can- and they do- attack people at will. Laughing at the differences we each hold. The thing is, this simply shows their own immaturity and lack of human compassion and kindness. It is not a showing of the one being attacked shortcomings. If you are one who is being harassed or attacked, understand that one truth. It still hurts, but we can learn that it isn't us so much as it is them.
Can we take the attacks and grow from them? If we are in need of further education, lessons on clothing and style, manners, weight, hygiene, learning what talents we possess and which ones we don't.. or how to be able to dance (even if we have no talent) as if no one is watching. We can, we can take what someone means for pain, and make it a stairway to improvement and really turn the tables on the attacker. Because the sad truth to a lot of the attacks is that the attacker is not as secure as they want others to believe and they attack to make themselves feel better by making others feel less.
Now, we are each and every one of us important in our own rights and ways. We each and everyone contribute to this life through our own personalities and talents. We are different by design. A tree is designed to be tall and create shade, every plant cannot be a tree, we need the shrubbery to provide food and shade for the smaller animals and the flowers for the insects. Not every person can be singers, because then who would dance? Not every person can be writers, because who would act? Not every person can be leaders, or designers....
We are each and every single one of us important in our own selves. We are created to be that way. Do not let another individual, because they do not understand this- make you feel less than who you are. Do not allow your own insecurities cause you to miss out on life and laughter. Find your strength, find your voice, find your talent..because we all do have them. With our voice and talents we can BE and create a difference in this life- for ourselves and for those around us who are struggling.
Even if you are uncomfortable in group settings, you matter. Even when you feel as if you do not fit into the group energy, you do as you are a part of that energy. Find at least one individual and focus on them, (not in a creep way) and allow that to block the discomfort. Seek and be part of the conversations with them and those around you. Find even a small piece of common ground and use that. Do not, let you discomfort in a situation cause you to leave there and trash talk the event and people. That will not earn you any points in your favor. There may be those who see, read, hear your vitriolic words and even share them, but would not seek to be around you for fear of you turning on them as well.
Understand that groups of people are made up of people with different personalities and energy levels. One must learn how to react to the differences and find your comfort with them. But, to also understand that it may not always work. It does take two to make a friendship work. Sometimes, personalities do not match but that doesn't make you or them bad, just too different. It will work with others, you simply have to brave up and keep trying. Either way know, if you disappeared, you would be missed. Even when you feel unimportant, you are very much important. What we often do not see, is that the smallest acts, can and will make the biggest difference for some. Find a way to allow your inner strength and courage to grow and guide you. Keep being the you who you are and know that others do appreciate you and look for you, even when you do not realize or see.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

I Will Be That Person


I do not want to be..that..person. But I will if I must.

I recently got into a conversation with a neighbor. Dad's small fishing puddle was brought up. They asked about going down there to fish. I told them  I really doubt there are any fish left in the thing thanks to other neighbors illegally trespassing, climbing the fence and fishing out the bigger cats years ago. The small was what he was wanting to fish for it seems. I told them they would have to talk with mom and dad as it was their property. Shortly after, I headed for home and to run errands.

Fast forward to late yesterday afternoon. My son was gone off on an adventure. I was straightening the kitchen and carried out the trash. As I walked back around the house I heard an odd sound coming from the woods. I first thought it was a deer and wanted to try and see it even if I didn't have my contacts in. As I got closer to the edge of the woods I realized that was not the sound of a deer, but the sound of someone in the woods down at the big puddle. Thinking it was my nephew I yelled out his name, but received no answer. I then yelled his son's name, still no response. The noises continued, sounding like someone with a machete or ax chopping something. I then called my nephew as I wasn't going down there on my own. I will admit that in the past I would have but maybe a bit older and wiser now and have back up to call upon. Turns out it was the neighbor I had spoken with days before. They had just taken it upon themselves to go fishing without talking with anyone.

They have my phone number. I gave it to them during our conversation. I'm guessing they thought they could get away with going by traveling through the woods. What they do not know is sound travels well up that hillside. When I am outside or have windows open, I can hear even casual conversation from the woods. Country folk will understand how well sound travels through the 'hollers' in the country.

When it began to really get dark they called to let me know they would be walking past my house. While I appreciated that call, I would have appreciated a first call more.

I need to have a conversation with this person.

First, the land is still mom and dad's. My name and my brother's name is on the deed, but it is primarily mom and dad's. Be respectful and ask permission. They are reasonable people.  If they say yes, good, but if they say no, accept the no and do not go back. Their age and health does not lend them to handle annoyances well.  Please do not think that every family member has the right to give you permission to be down there, some do, some don't. To be sure, ask mom and dad.

Second. Do not try sneaking in like the people years ago, that's wrong on every level. We need to know who is down there for many reasons. One of the two paths to the puddle is behind my house. I do not want people wandering about crossing my yard. The other is behind mom and dad's house. I definitely do not want strangers in their yard.

Third. It is private property. Even though the fence needs repairs, the fence is around the pond for a reason. To keep private property private. Mom has always feared too many people finding its location and thinking it okay to just go, even though it is not okay. No one is 'entitled' to simply wander about where ever they wish.

Fourth. That is not an open gun range. Yes, my nephew and his son and my brother have gone down there as it is a safe practice area. For family. No one ever goes down there without talking with mom and dad first. Some days are just not good days. They also let me know due to my dogs fear of those loud noises.

I don't want to be difficult. I want to be a good neighbor. But my priority is my parents and keeping them safe and calm. They do not need to worry about people being where they should not. I will be who ever and what ever I need to be, to protect them. I can be the best friend you would ever hope to have, mess with my parents, and I will be your worst enemy. I will be, that person.

Friday, May 31, 2024

The Door


Well, I hope there is nothing in my bedroom I need because the doorknob won't turn. Which means the door won't open. My son is at work leaving me to figure out what to do if I want to open that door. It was working moments before. I will say that it has been difficult to turn a couple of times here recently. Nothing that had me thinking it was going to completely lock down though. As my son loves to remind me when I ask him a question, I have the entire internet at hand. Time to fall down that rabbit hole of information and see what I can come up with to get that door open.

Thinking though about the inability to open that door and get into that room has me thinking about something else.

While we are living and traveling through this life, the doorway to eternity with God is open. We have access to salvation and God's love. He calls to us, inviting us to Him. All we have to do, is accept the invitation.

After our life is over though, there are no second chances. That door closes and those who do not accept will be on the outside, locked out with no way inside. It doesn't matter how hard or long we knock. The door is closed and the chance missed for eternity.

May we not miss what is freely given, while the door is open.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Not as Bad as Made Out to Be


As I was scrolling through the memory posts on social media I read one that has popped up in slightly different forms many times. It was a reminder about being compassionate toward the older folks. Discussing how they once were young and able but time has slowed them down and some or many of life's changes confuses them. But many also are filled with examples of how the older people are ignored.
I'm seeing that every time we want to attempt to make changes in life and society, we often begin with a divisive measure. We know that there are people who are ignored. It isn't only the elderly, society has become so self centered many do not see needs around them. Some are afraid to help not knowing whether it is a ruse and they will end up robbed or worse. Some are afraid that they are dealing with a sue happy individual. My thoughts are, if you see a need and can safely help, please do so. If you have concerns or it is a need where you are unable to assist, find someone who is able to do what is needed.

Here's the thing though, those videos and social media posts want to make it appear that the majority of people ignore the elderly, ignore those in need, ignore and walk on toward where ever they were headed. This is incorrect. Allow me to use my own experiences with my parents. My mother is 89 and my dad is closing in on 95. My mother uses a cane when she walks and my dad, because of falls, uses a walker. The people who were so strong, so capable, so able to do what ever was needed, when it was needed, now need assistance. They do not get out as much as they once did because of this. They no longer drive and when they do go out,  someone has to be with them in case they lose their balance. Something as simple as a stumble, stepping on a loose stone, a liquid spill could be disastrous. This means they walk much slower. Here, is where I make mention that most of the people who have been around when we are out, have been very kind.

Where I take mom grocery shopping, they always-always-always ask about her and my dad if mom is not with me if I check out through one of our regular people. We've had employees go out of their way to help my mother find or reach something. Since they did the remodel of the store, finding a cool bottle of water is not as easy as it once was. Several times the people we were checking out through have stopped what they were doing and got her water. When we've crossed the parking lot heading away from or back to the car, people have waited without signs of frustration or annoyance because of her slow walk. Yesterday while looking for batteries while the individual was restocking the display they told mom they could help her and handed her a coupon for a nice discount.

My dad recently got hearing aids. The building the office is in has a long sloping handicap ramp. The gentleman who helps my dad with his hearing aids, also makes sure they get in and out of the building safely. He has walked with my mother, holding her arm gently as she walks the ramp. He speaks with kindness and respect with every visit.

The county police have been out a couple of times. They know of my dad's moments of confusion. They have taken their time with him, spoken kindly, compassionately and without annoyance over the call.

Those are a few of my experiences. They show that while those videos, memes and written posts are not fully correct. While I know it is an attempt to bring attention and correct wrongs, it paints an incorrect picture. It isn't only about age either. Many seem to think they must create videos, write blogs, share comments that start with a depiction of a wrong in order to bring attention and teach correct attitudes. In some though, I fear it only feeds and fuels divisiveness among us. In Star Trek, Spock said "The needs of the many, outweighed the needs of the few..." in this world, the actions of the few, do not represent the actions and thoughts of the many.  I agree that we need to improve, that we could be and do better. But we are not as bad as we are being made out to be.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Solitude Issues


I miss working. While I know how blessed I am to be able to be here for my parents and I wouldn't change this, I miss working. I took early retirement to be able to be here. This is not what my idea of retirement was, but I'm coming to find that nothing is what my ideas were.

I am very thankful that I am able to be here for my parents. It's kind of funny that just like new parents worry over if they are doing things right in taking care of their children, I worry over if I'm doing things right taking care of my parents. They are not fully incapable of taking care of themselves, but they do need help in some things. I pray often for discernment in my words and actions. Praying that whatever the need, I get it right. Taking care of them though, means I need to be around. I never know when something might come up or happen or cause issues. I'm not alone in their care as family also help but the extended family have jobs or other responsibilities which I do not. While I know being here has purpose, I miss that different sort of purpose. 

 Still, I miss working. I miss all the things that working offers. I miss feeling as if I am contributing something for myself, for my family, for society at large.

 I miss the having a schedule, an itinerary of what needed to be done when. A timetable that kept mind and body busy. I miss knowing that my days would have something going on at all times. I don't miss getting up at four in the morning but ten hour days meant long weekends.
 I miss the paycheck. I miss knowing I was going to have that much money, a bit more if over time was involved. It never seemed enough, especially after my husband passed away but it covered what was needed.
I miss the time with coworkers. The conversations, however brief, during the work day. The time of socialization, the coming together of minds and ideas. The laughter, the stress, the acceptance of differences. The simply being around other people on a regular basis. I even somewhat miss the confrontations that were always worked out in the end. I don't so much miss dealing with management as management always seemed to have their own agendas. The fact that I didn't play their political type games didn't help.

More than anything, I miss the people. I miss the companionship of coworkers. I miss the conversations. I miss having the connection no matter how small, with coworkers. Even with the annoyances.

Don't get me wrong. I love taking care of my parents, being here for them in their time of need. I am deeply thankful for this time. I know that I have been set aside from the work force to be able to be here for them. They took care of me many times when I had needs, how could I do any less for them?

Its the solitude that gets difficult sometimes.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Ordinary Has Been Brought to You By...


I've been wanting a fire pit out in my back yard. A couple years ago I bought a small one but time, weather and cats have made it unusable. With my finances being limited I couldn't just run out and purchase a replacement. Even as I still wanted that fire pit. I watched the sales for bricks, but something more important always came up preventing purchase. The fire pit was a want, not a need.
 Yesterday while trying to figure out how to spend my afternoon since my son was off on an adventure as was most other people I know, I had an idea. I began gathering bricks that we purchased twenty some years ago and had used for various projects. Collecting enough I built a medium size fire pit in the yard away from the house and any trees. I then went and moved a table, umbrella and chairs back around to the back yard from where I had moved them a couple years ago. I haven't had time to go out there anyway so moving them to where they have a better chance at being used seemed to make sense. The outside cats have found these things interesting as they have been investigating them since I set them up.
 I also went up to where I have my vegetable plants growing in pots and using a small screwdriver poked holes in them to allow excess water to drain out. I need to find a way for the cucumber vines to climb rather than simply run across the ground with the Wisteria vines.
 For now though, I am sitting here listening to the birds calling from somewhere deep in the woods out back and watching the hummingbirds as they visit the feeders just outside my windows. My son who didn't return from his adventure until late, or rather early this morning, I have not seen yet. I may have missed him if he had to work, but I'm not sure, and I'm not going to call and maybe disturb him either way. My brother and his wife have been off on a grand adventure and were supposed to return last night. Hopefully we will see them today. Normal stuff right? Quiet, peaceful, time for introspection and reflection.
Today is Memorial Day here in the US. May we always remember that there are those who paid the ultimate price, made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can enjoy the normal stuff. Never forget that the ordinary has been brought to you by those who died.Pay a price so you won't have to, that you can live free.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Reflect and Remember


Good morning all-
My thoughts of sleeping in were just that- thoughts. My dog, Bella decided that it was time to get up and let me know in no uncertain terms. After taking care of the cats and dogs that share our life, I find myself  sitting  here sipping coffee and scrolling through posts and web surfing as I awaken to this new day. Outside the day is bright, well on the way to being overly warm, and the birds are singing their morning symphony. I've already spoken with my mother once, we're wondering when my brother will be home from his latest grand adventure. Soon I will be needing to go out for Aloe due to a sunburn from sitting at the race track yesterday. My son will be leaving out at some point to return to the track in Charlotte for the running of the Coca Cola 600.

What about you? Do you have plans for today or could you possibly be in the midst of those plans as you sit on the beach or in a mountainside cabin? Are you visiting with or waiting for visitors to come to you?
While we plan our day, preparing all we need, the cleaning the cooking the waiting by the door..may we also take time for one more thing.
Remembering and respecting.
The things for which this day is truly meant. Not for parties, holidays, vacations. Not for races, cook outs, boating on the lake. It is a day set aside to remember and honor those who gave the ultimate gift.
We all have our own thoughts and opinions on war. War is death, it is ugly, it is destructive, it is painful. It does not matter the length of the battle measured in days, months, years. It is the number of lives lost. A member of the military serving who is killed in action has  family. Whether it is parents, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents to their own personal families including spouse and children of their own. Then there is the extended family of the one left. The loss injures the heart and life and leaves a vacancy. Lives which may have brought about amazing things, ended too quickly. Yet even in their pain and anger, there is a pride in the fact that the one who is lost, was lost doing what they believed in. They were sent into battle so that battle would not overflow to here. That the home and people they loved, would be protected. They fought and died to protect the freedoms that we have had for so very long.
Even if you do not believe in war.......even if you believe there has to be better ways...show respect and honor to those who fought for what we have. Respect and honor those who sacrificed it all for their beliefs and their country. Respect and honor the families who watched their loved one walk away, then watched them being brought back in a box.
Stop for a moment today, in the midst of your parties and plans, and reflect on the true meaning of today. We personally can be happy and enjoy the freedoms we hold dear, because without those we lost, we could be living a totally different lifestyle today. My brother recently was able to repair my flagpole that was broken by a falling tree. I now once again can fly our flag in love of country and respect for those who fight to protect her.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Quite the Light Show


I sat up last night and watched the truck race going on over in Charlotte on television. I had tried to watch an old movie but it was heavily censored taking the cutting edge off. I may be wrong, but seems that when we go so far out of our way to not offend, we create an ease of being offended at any and everything. But that's a topic for another day.
Watching the race there was one driver who had a lot going for him. He had the talent and a fast truck. Toward the latter part of the race that desire to win overshadowed caution and in his rush to leave his pit box nearly injured a tire changer. In the end, he did not win but not from lack of trying.
After the race I did my reading, enjoyed a cup of hot tea and prepared to call it a night. I sent a text to my son to be careful on his ride home. He had ridden his motorcycle and race traffic are not known to be the most patient when leaving the track. I was nearing sleep when the headlight from his bike coming down the road, danced through the window and across the wall of my bedroom. He was home, he was safe and he was glad I had prepared something for supper.
After he left for his camper, I returned to bed. At some point in the early hours I was awakened by distant thunder. I've been leaving the curtains open to allow the ceiling fan to draw in the cooler night air. This allowed the approaching storm to illuminate the room. It was quite the light show once it arrived. I waited for our dog Molly to become afraid while Bella ignored everything. The sounds and pyrotechnics had been going on for a while when my phone decided to alert me of a 'thunderstorm warning in my area'. Thanks phone. I did get up and check once to make sure the drain that runs under the house was clear then returned to bed. With the windows open I could hear the strength of the falling rain and it never got hard enough to cause concern over the drain becoming clogged. The show though, was strong. The moment the thunder was strong enough to shake the house was what got Molly causing her to let me know of her fear. I allowed her into the bathroom to wait it out. The room is small with no windows. There is also an exhaust fan to cover the sounds from outside.
The storm was in no hurry to move on. I found that I was not afraid, not concerned, not worried over what was happening outside. I remained there in a dark room, resting in bed, watching the show outside. The lightening that turned the dark into day. The thunder that rumbled loud enough to be felt as well as heard. When the phone alerted me a second time about the severe thunder storm in the area I simply muttered no kidding. I eventually dozed off and awoke later to quiet. Waiting to make sure it was safe to do so, I finally got up and let Molly return to her usual sleeping space.

I have yet to see if the storm caused damage anywhere. I would not be surprised to find that it did as from sound alone it was mean and strong. I will need to walk up soon and check my makeshift garden. My pot garden, being that everything is planted in flower pots. Some of which I need to make drain holes.

Last night a group of truck drivers set out to win a race. In the process there were mistakes made, it happens when you get in a hurry. When you get in too much of a hurry to be safe and make sure all is where they need to be when they need to be there. Even and especially if that place is out of the way. One driver tried to overcome mistakes but still came out second. Thing is, his positioning could have been much worse. In the challenge, he overcome and over took a lot of other drivers.
We can do that. When facing a test, a challenge our own race of sorts, even when we fumble and stumble, we can be determined and keep going. We can fight the good fight not allowing mistakes to cause us to quit. We may not come out first, or even in the top ten, but we didn't quit. In that, we proved that we are capable of finishing what we start.

Last night mother nature put on quite the show. One impossible to ignore. In the past, I would have been up pacing the floor. I would have checked outside multiple times during the rain. In the past Molly would have panicked at the first distant sound of thunder. We both did well last night. Molly had the faith that I would protect her by allowing her into that safe space. I had faith that God would protect us through the storm.
This morning, I am enjoying my coffee. My son has gone into work leaving me to the peace of the morning. While I have not been outside any further than to feed the cats, all seems okay. We were given quite the light show, but we were kept safe and I am grateful.