Friday, September 2, 2016

Count Down to sixty---- keys, keys, where are my keys?

It isn't looking very good for the weekend. First there is this hurricane that decided to travel up the coast and give us some rain here (thank you because we seriously needed it) and then suddenly my keys vanish. Poof! Gone.
 My husband is a long haul truck driver and he's home for the holiday weekend. He got home earlier today while I was at work. He didn't bother getting his stuff out of the truck, he just came on up to the house and found a good spot in front of the television.
 When I got off from work and headed home there was a problem. Vehicles traveling toward me kept flashing their lights. I knew that was a bad sign. As I drove on, much more carefully, I saw flashing lights coming up behind me. Pulling over as far as I could, I watched as they passed, seeing a third set of lights quickly approaching I stayed where I was. Finally we moved up far enough to see the problem. Someone had missed a curve in the road and flipped their car over into a ditch. I sat there for a good twenty minutes watching as a firetruck arrived and then I could hear the rescue trucks approaching. I could see the firetruck easily, but all I could see of the vehicle was the back bumper. People moved about, none seemed to be in a hurry, I was hoping that was a good sign. Finally then ended up turning us around and sending us back the way we had came. As I made my way back I passed a school bus and all I could think was, 'I'm sorry, I know you're going to be here a while.' There is no way a bus could turn around or even back up from where it sat.
 Getting home my husband told me he needed to get some of his medicine refilled. He made the  call and they told him that it would be ready around seven pm. He had a half hour to wait so he and our son went down to his truck and got all of his stuff out. Dirty clothes, refrigerated foods, cpap machine, and that thermos that he swears he's going to replace. By the time they got everything in the house it was time to go for his medicine. There was only one problem. We could not find my keys. It was obvious they had to be somewhere as my vehicle won't move without keys and they had just driven it.
We tore the house up looking. We looked on the table and counter tops, moving and replacing as we went. Well, I was replacing, James was knocking stuff off to the floor for me to pick up. We looked out on the back porch where he had dumped his dad's dirty laundry. We looked in the fridge, inside the bags I had placed on the shelf. I finally told them to go on the the pharmacy and get his medicine I'd keep looking. I grabbed the flashlight and systematically went from one room to the next. Even if it meant looking where we had already looked three times I did it. I even went outside and looked all around the driveway and in the carport. Back in the house I tried one more time, going from room to room. Those keys were not in the house.
 When they get back home my husband asked if I had any luck. No, I had not found them. Once again we started looking. Once again we did not find them. James got on his motorcycle and rode down to the truck to look. I'm not sure why, I really doubted that they could have decided that they liked it better down there and managed to walk their own way back. He came back into the house, made one more cycle through and was getting back onto his bike to head out toward the pharmacy. He was going to try and see if they had been on the car and slid off somewhere along the way.
 As he started out of the driveway my husband stepped out onto the porch, suddenly calling out, "James!! Wait, I found them. I have the keys!"
 I walked out onto the porch and yes, he had my keys. "Where were they?" I asked..
Him, sheepishly, "In my pocket."
All I could say was, "he's going to hurt you." Turning I started back into the house when James walked back up onto the porch.
To his credit, my husband did apologize several times. In...... his... pocket. All this time, they were in.. his. pocket. Ah well, at least they aren't lost.

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