Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Hunger

My heart rumbles

as does my belly, when empty

hungry for food

my heart hungers for You Lord

hungers for the food of Your Word

hungers for more of the presence

of Your Spirit with me

walking with me, speaking with me

guiding me in all things

I hunger

for understanding, of things of You

wanting to know how to act

in all situations, circumstances

so that my actions, are Your actions

my witness to others unharmed

by wrong moves, wrong words

for I have but one chance

I hunger

for Your compassion

that I may reach out to those around me

always ready, always willing

seeing those that are in need

those suffering, or those feeling abandoned

by everyone around them

fill me, with Your compassion

for the weak, the meek and the weary

give me strength to help

knowledge to know who can, when I am unable

I hunger

for a closer walk with You

feeling You, growing in me

my life, no longer mine

but Yours, fully Yours

in all things and all ways

I hunger for this, I hunger for You

my Lord, my Savior, my God

Blessed, a collection of God given inspirational poetry by Rebecca Stepp Revels is available now @

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The Legend of Dragon's Doom:a Young Warrior's vow, by RS Revels is available @

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also @ Bookin' It, your mobile bookstore @

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Blessed in His Promises

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